Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 274 Swearing Your Own Sovereignty

Chapter 274 Swearing Your Own Sovereignty

Yue Linglong walked around Zixiao Palace, also swearing her own sovereignty.Let the people in Zixiao Palace understand their status.Seeing the respectful appearance of Xian'e and guards in Zixiao Palace, Yue Linglong was very happy.When she became a side concubine, this group of people would not only bow slightly to salute themselves, but kneel down to salute.

"This Zixiao Palace is so big." Xiaoyi looked at the scenery of Zixiao Palace along the way.Some couldn't help admiring.

"The fairy grass here is all planted by senior brother for me." Yue Linglong walked to the front of the garden and stopped, smiling and looking at the garden full of fairy grass.

"My God, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince planted so many fairy grasses for you?" Xiaoyi looked at the endless garden, filled with all kinds of fairy grasses.And there are many fairy grasses that are top-grade fairy grasses.Finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yue Linglong was very proud when she heard Xiaoyi's exclamation, she nodded and said. "all these are."

"It seems that His Highness the Crown Prince really dotes on you, Miss." Xiaoyi was shocked when she saw these fairy grasses.There are so many fairy grasses with such a good grade, it is not something that can be done with money.It also takes a lot of time and effort to do it.

"You can tell me anything you need in the future." Yue Linglong said with a smile. "I also have a maid, who should be here soon. Her name is Qingqing, and she is a little impatient. I hope you two can get along well."

"Miss, don't worry, I will respect sister Qingqing." Xiaoyi immediately expressed her opinion.

"Well, you are as important to me as she is. Convince people with reason, and I will punish whoever does something wrong." Yue Linglong was very satisfied when she heard Xiaoyi's statement.She thought so too.Although Xiaoyi took care of her for several months, Qingqing has taken care of her for 3000 years.Feelings are naturally different.

The two were admiring these fairy grasses, Qingqing rushed over quickly.Seeing Yue Linglong couldn't help holding her and crying. "Miss, it's great that you're fine. I thought I wouldn't see you. I've been waiting for news in Beihua Palace for the past few months, and I dreamed of you asking for help many times... woo woo woo... ..." Qingqing couldn't help crying.

"I'm fine." Yue Linglong's eyes turned red when she heard Qingqing's anxious voice.She thought of those painful months again.

Qingqing hugged Yue Linglong and cried for a long time, before Yue Linglong got impatient and wanted to push her away.But he still looked up and down Yue Linglong with his eyes. "Miss, you've lost a lot of weight. You must have suffered a lot. It's all useless. I can't protect you by your side!"

"Okay, don't cry. I'm fine." Yue Linglong said softly. "This is Xiaoyi. She has been taking care of me these few months. You two will live with me in the future."

Qingqing looked at Xiaoyi.

"Xiaoyi has met Sister Qingqing, and I hope that she will take care of her in the future." Xiaoyi bowed to Qingqing.

"Xiaoyi, you are being polite. We will be a family from now on. Let's take care of Miss together." Qingqing quickly helped Xiaoyi up.

"Miss, I rushed over as soon as I received your message. What's the matter with you? How did you get hurt for so long?" Qingqing looked at Yue Linglong with concern.

"It's a long story, let's go back to the palace first. I'll explain it to you in detail."

"it is good."

Yue Linglong took Qingqing and Xiaoyi back to the guest hall.Said the matter carefully.

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(End of this chapter)

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