Chapter 275

Listening to Yue Linglong talking about the past few months, Qingqing couldn't help but shed tears. "Miss, you have suffered so much and suffered so much."

"I'm fine, everything is over." Yue Linglong was still somewhat sincere towards Qingqing.Seeing her crying, he comforted her with a smile.

"This Princess Bairuo is simply too shameless. How could she sneak attack you? You have been injured for so many months. You must ask His Royal Highness to seek justice for you. Otherwise, your suffering will be in vain." Qingqing said indignantly.

Yue Linglong didn't speak, she lowered her head and looked at the ground.Sometimes it is better not to speak than to speak.

"Miss, you are just too kind. You have been patient, but what did you get in the end? You were almost wiped out." Qingqing felt that no matter what, her lady had suffered so much.It was all caused by that Princess Bai Ruo.The status of my young lady is not as high as that of Princess Bai Ruo, but the status of His Royal Highness is the same as that of Princess Bai Ruo.Miss is the future concubine of the prince.Princess Bairuo must have done this cruelty out of jealousy.

"Qingqing, don't talk about it anymore. I believe my brother will give me an explanation for this matter. Talking about it too much will backfire. Brother must have a countermeasure in mind." Yue Linglong persuaded Qingqing.

Qingqing looked at Yue Linglong with eyes that hated iron and steel, her young lady was too kind.

"Miss, I heard that His Royal Highness has accepted a concubine concubine." Qingqing was quiet for a while, then carefully looked up at Yue Linglong.

Yue Linglong smiled wryly, "I know about this." After she finished speaking, she lowered her head, tears streaming down her cheeks to the ground.

"How could this be?" Qingqing was very angry. "It's unclear whether you were killed by Princess Bai Ruo, but His Royal Highness..." Although Qing Qing had a hot temper, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous.He just looked at the door angrily.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Xian'e greeted Emperor Mohan from the door.

Di Mohan walked in with a smile on his face.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Xiaoyi and Qingqing greeted Emperor Mohan.

"Freedom of courtesy!" Di Mohan said.

"Senior brother!" Yue Linglong was so excited when she saw Di Mohan's appearance.It looks like it's done.Concubine Tian must have agreed.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the senior brother to walk in with a smile on his face.

"The concubine mother agreed. She said that she would ask Si Ming Xingjun to choose a good day. At that time, in front of all the gods in the heaven, I will marry you! You can stay in the palace with peace of mind. I will take you to see the old lady tomorrow. Jun, ask him to take a look for you. In addition, I have ordered people to prepare the materials for the ancient Huanyan Pill. Many fairy grasses may not be available in Heavenly Court. I will exchange them with equivalent things. It will definitely restore you to the original state."

"Thank you, senior brother!" Yue Linglong was really crying with excitement right now.She was so touched.I didn't expect two things to come true.She no longer has to worry about other people's gossip.I will never hear others say that I am not worthy of my senior brother.In the future, when others talk about themselves, they will be honored as the side concubine empress.

"Well, I still have something to do, you should rest first." Di Mohan walked out after finishing speaking.

"Congratulations, miss!"

"Congratulations miss!" Qingqing and Xiaoyi were overjoyed.Congratulating Yue Linglong with a smile on her face.

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(End of this chapter)

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