Chapter 276
Yue Linglong clenched her hands into fists in her sleeves, and her body couldn't help shaking.She is so excited and happy now!Finally got his wish.Although she is only a side concubine, she believes that she will definitely have a chance to become a concubine of heaven in the future.Give birth to the future Prince Highness.It must be so.

Yue Linglong suddenly felt that no amount of suffering would be considered suffering, if it wasn't for the injury this time.I don't know how many years I have to wait to marry my senior brother.

Now we just have to wait for the concubine Tian to set a date.No matter when.As long as the time is set, she will be a justifiable side concubine.She is no longer a little orphan in the eyes of others.She is no longer just the junior sister of Emperor Mohan, the crown prince of the Celestial Clan.

After Yue Linglong was happy, she thought of the concubine concubine in the inner hall.Her heart was a little blocked again.

How could Qingqing not know what her miss was thinking.whispered persuasion. "Miss, don't be sad. She is just a concubine, but you are a concubine with a jade plate. Even if she gave birth to a young highness, she is not qualified to inherit the position of Tianjun. Who knew that she was born a fairy Tier or something, Your Highness."

Qingqing comforts Yue Linglong. "Take good care of your health. When you reach the god level, you will be the son of God when you give birth to your little highness. Then your future prince highness will be your child!"

"You're right. I'm going to work hard now to regain my strength and strive to be promoted to the rank of god." Only then did Yue Linglong recall the rumors about the Tianzu, Yaochi, Antarctic Land, Miaoyan Palace and other sects, who were directly related by blood The next child is the son of God and the goddess, and will have the right to inherit.If he was born in the immortal rank, with such weak mana, it is impossible to inherit the position of prince of the heavenly clan.

In this way, the concubine concubine's threat to herself is almost gone.She is just an ordinary fairy, and the child she gives birth to is also a fairy.And after he was promoted to the rank of God, the child he gave birth to was of course the Son of God.As for Princess Bairuo, even if she is a concubine, she will inherit Yaochi after giving birth to a child.

Yue Linglong's face suddenly changed, a child might be going to inherit Yaochi.Yaochi has been ruled by women for tens of thousands of years. If Princess Bairuo gives birth to a goddess, she will be the future queen of Yaochi.But what if Princess Bairuo gave birth to a god son and a goddess?Will he still have his own children?Yue Linglong's eyes were full of murderous intent, no, she absolutely couldn't let Princess Bai Ruo have two children.Otherwise, your children will not even have a foothold. . .Yue Linglong became a little anxious.If the senior brother marries him, Tianjun will definitely let the senior brother marry Princess Bairuo as soon as possible.At that time, your own advantage will not be obvious.On the contrary, it was Princess Bairuo, behind her was not only Yaochi, Miaoyan Palace, but also Antarctic Land, Ziwei Palace, Donghua Mansion, and East Sea Dragon Palace. . . .

The more Yue Linglong thought about it, the more frightened she became.If this continues, I have no chance of winning.What should she do?
"Miss, are you feeling unwell? I'll call the immortal doctor to show you?" Qingqing watched Yue Linglong's face suddenly turn pale, and her brows were also furrowed.I thought it was her old injury recurring, so I was very worried.

"I'm fine." Yue Linglong originally wanted to refuse.

"Qingqing, you can go. The young lady is still very weak, it's time to ask the immortal doctor to take a look." Xiaoyi said loudly to Qingqing. "I'm not familiar with Heavenly Court, and I'm afraid that if I go wrong, it will delay time."

"Okay, I'll go now."

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(End of this chapter)

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