Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 277 You sing me and

Chapter 277 You sing me and
Yue Linglong looked at Xiaoyi.

"Miss, your body hasn't recovered yet, so don't hold on." Xiaoyi said with a smile. "Don't you want to get more love and attention from His Highness the Crown Prince?" Xiaoyi looked at Yue Linglong with a smile after she finished speaking.

Yue Linglong suddenly realized, she pursed her lips and stopped talking.

After a while, Qingqing called an immortal doctor over.

"The fairy doctor Sanlin has met Fairy Linglong." The fairy doctor Sanlin greeted Yue Linglong.His status is no worse than Yue Linglong's.Yue Linglong is the younger sister of His Highness the Crown Prince. When Qingqing first went to invite the immortal doctor, she announced along the way that Yue Linglong would soon become the side concubine of His Highness the Crown Prince.Immediately, everyone's attitude towards Yue Linglong became more respectful.

"Thank you Sanlin Immortal Physician." Yue Linglong smiled and nodded.Now she is no longer that Linglong Shangxian, but the side concubine of His Highness the Crown Prince.Naturally, the attitude towards the immortal family can no longer be the same as before.

Doctor Sanlin stepped forward to check Yue Linglong's body.

"Sanlin Immortal Physician, how is my young lady?" Qingqing asked anxiously.

"Fairy Linglong's body has suffered a lot of damage. Although she has recovered a lot now, she is still very weak. She must take good care of her body. Otherwise, it may affect her promotion and crossing the catastrophe later on." Sanlin Immortal Doctor said with concern.

"So serious?" Qing Qing immediately became anxious. "Then how do you take care of yourself?"

"I'll prescribe some elixir and spirit water, and take a bath with some recuperating celestial grass. It should recover within three months." Said Sanlin Immortal Physician.

"Thank you Sanlin Immortal Physician." Yue Linglong thanked with a smile. "I was murdered by a traitor this time, and I almost couldn't come back. Fortunately, I escaped unharmed."

"That's Miss, you are too kind, otherwise how could you suffer so much." Qingqing said unfairly. "Good people get rewarded, that's absolutely true. It's all about Princess Bai Ruo, otherwise, miss, you wouldn't have to suffer so much."

"Qingqing, don't say too much." Yue Linglong pretended to reprimand Qingqing.

"Yes!" Qingqing lowered her head, her face still full of displeasure.

Sanlin Immortal Physician is a person who has experienced many storms, how can he not see that this pair of master and servant is singing me and you.The biggest rule of being a fairy doctor is to be cautious in words and deeds no matter what.Don't say a word that shouldn't be said, and don't say too much!So even if you hear something, you will keep your mouth shut.

After the Immortal Physician Sanlin finished prescribing the medicine, he said to Yue Linglong. "I've already prescribed the medicine, and I'll ask Xiantong to bring the medicine over later."

"Thank you Sanlin Immortal Doctor!" Yue Linglong nodded.

After Sanlin Immortal Doctor left, Qingqing said, "Miss, look, it's so dangerous, you don't want to see the Immortal Doctor. You have to recuperate for three months. Fortunately, I came, otherwise your When will the body recover."

"Yes, thank you for your hard work. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous." Yue Linglong didn't expect that she would still be like this after recuperating for so long. If it wasn't for Sanlin Immortal Physician's examination, she would recuperate on her own. Then he was promoted to god rank.It's not too late to regret it.She couldn't help but rejoice in her heart.

"Miss, would you like to go to the inner hall to see what that concubine looks like? You are a concubine, she doesn't know the rules if a concubine doesn't come to greet you." Qingqing thought of the concubine in the inner hall. Concubine, the inner hall is where His Royal Highness lives.

 Should I add more or not?I feel that you guys should be more motivated to comment during the holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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