Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 278 Helping You Check the Situation First?

Chapter 278 Helping You Check the Situation First?

My young lady is a side concubine, so she only lives in the guest hall. She is a concubine, why should she live in the inner hall.

"I..." Yue Linglong really wanted to see that concubine concubine, but she was a little afraid to do so.She was afraid that she would not be able to resist dealing with that concubine.

"Miss, you have moved in now. You just go and have a look. I heard from the celestial beings that the concubine's health is not very good, and she has been taking nourishing pills to take care of her. You can send some pills to her." Her. Or should I check the situation for you first?" Qingqing was very curious about what that concubine concubine looked like.

Yue Linglong didn't say anything, why didn't she want to go and see it, she was just afraid that it would make her feel more uncomfortable.

Seeing that Yue Linglong didn't speak, Qingqing didn't object.I knew in my heart that she wanted to see it, but it was just because of her status.

"Miss, I'm going to pack some nourishing elixir and grass jelly and take them to the concubine concubine." Qingqing immediately started packing.

Yue Linglong quietly watched Qingqing busy, thinking that it would be good to let her go and have a look.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles.She also wanted to know what kind of woman it was that her senior brother could directly accept her as a concubine.

Qingqing packed a large basket of elixir and grass jelly and walked to the inner hall.

"Qingqing, when did you arrive?" Xiaorou saw Qingqing, smiled and greeted her.

"Sister Xiaorou, why are you here?" Qingqing tilted her head and asked with a smile.Isn't this Xiao Rou a female official of Tianfei Palace?Why did you come to Zixiao Palace?Qingqing looked at Xiaorou suspiciously.Could it be that she also came here for the Crown Prince?Then you must pay attention.

"I was ordered by the concubine Tian to watch the concubine concubine raise the fetus. I have been here for a few months. After the concubine concubine gives birth to the young highness, I will return to the concubine Tian Palace." Xiaorou looked at Qingqing's eyes , immediately explained with a smile.

"I see." Qingqing also replied with a smile. "My lady heard that Concubine Concubine's health is not very good, so she ordered me to send some elixir and grass to Concubine Concubine." Qing Qing raised the basket in her hand. "My lady is very good at alchemy. These things should be useful to the concubine."

"That's really thanks to Fairy Linglong." Xiao Rou reached out and took the basket.

Seeing that Xiaorou reached out to take the basket, Qingqing didn't intend to ask her to go in and have a look.I had no choice but to take the initiative to ask.

"Can I go in and see the concubine concubine, no matter what, I have to bring my young lady's wishes. When the concubine concubine Tian decides the date, my young lady will be the rightful side concubine of the prince."

Xiaorou originally wanted to refuse, but she heard what Qingqing said later.He abruptly changed the words that came to his lips. "Of course, you can come in, Qingqing. But the concubine concubine has a bad temper. If you offend me in any way, please bear with it." Xiaorou heard Qingqing's words, and hated her in her heart.This day the concubine and empress will definitely live, Fairy Linglong will be the real side concubine, after the wedding.I have to curry favor with Fairy Linglong even more.In the past, Fairy Linglong and Qingqing would fawn on her when they saw her.Now it's reversed.

"Okay! I'll just go in and have a look." Qingqing strode into the inner hall.

Xiaoru and Xiaoyi were standing by the pillar watching the concubine concubine inside who was practicing.

"Xiaoru Xiaoyi!" Qingqing greeted Xiaoru Xiaoyi.

"Qingqing!" Seeing Qingqing greeting herself, Xiaoyi walked quickly to Qingqing.

 Recommend a friend-Northeast and North's article, "Cold and Serious Young Pets Gently"

  Introduction: In one night, Lu Xuang, the only seedling of the Lu family who married three generations under the same roof, and the house was full of men, Xu Yi, who was pressed down to sing and sing every night, rubbed his sore waist, turned over and fell on someone ,roar!

  "I want a divorce!!!"

  "Divorce? One by one, what are you going to use to convince me, huh?" Someone sneered while doing evil.

  Xu Yichang groaned and collapsed powerlessly, only one thought swirled in his head before he passed out.

  "Who said that Lu Xuang is cold-hearted and cold-hearted, come out and promise not to beat you to death!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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