Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 292 Will She Discover Her Abnormality?

Chapter 292 Will She Discover Her Abnormality?
"Your Majesty, do you want this alchemy stove?" Xiao Ru continued to ask, not understanding what Bai Ruo meant.

Bai Ruo continued to shake his head, feeling anxious!She was sure that this pill stove was the pill stove she had given to Bei Mingyue.

"Niang Niang, you don't want to drink soup?" Xiao Yi also guessed what Bai Ruo meant.

Bai Ruo still shook her head.Pointing at the alchemy furnace, she wanted to speak, but couldn't.Anxious tears are about to fall.

"If I say something, I will nod if I agree with you, and shake my head if I don't agree with you." Xiaoyi felt that if she kept asking, she would still be unable to ask questions, so she had an idea.Think of a way.

Bai Ruo immediately nodded in response.

"You mean this pill furnace?" Xiaoyi asked.

Bai Ruo nodded.

"The pill stove? Is there anything special about this pill stove?" Xiao Ru didn't understand why Bai Ruo was so excited when he saw this pill stove.

"Do you know this elixir stove?" Xiaoyi suddenly wondered if the concubine concubine knew this elixir stove, so she was so excited.

When Bai Ruo heard her question, she nodded immediately.

"There's nothing special about this elixir furnace." Xiaoru nodded when she saw the concubine.Looking at this pill furnace curiously.After going around in a circle, I finally saw the mark of Yao Chi on the lid of the pill furnace. "Ah, this imprint seems to be the exclusive imprint of Yaochi!" Xiaoru said, pointing at the imprint in surprise.

Bai Ruomeng nodded, she didn't expect these two immortals to know the mark of Yao Chi.

"This elixir stove is not owned by Immortal Physician Simu, it was brought here by Princess Beiming today. You know this elixir stove, so you also know Princess Beiming?" Xiaoyi asked in a low voice.

Sure enough, it was Bei Mingyue who came to the inner hall?Bai Ruo couldn't help getting excited, did she see herself, did she recognize herself?Bai Ruo couldn't help looking at Xiaoyi expectantly.

"Today, Princess Beiming helped Immortal Physician Simu come here to make soup and medicine for you. She also checked the scars on your face and said that Beiming has a strange medicine. The scars were healed." Xiaoru said with a smile. "Your Majesty, after the scars on your face are healed, you will be very beautiful."

Bai Ruo nodded, but unfortunately she couldn't speak, otherwise she really wanted to tell them the truth.

"Aren't you from an extremely cold place? How did you know Princess Beiming?" Xiao Ru asked curiously. "His Royal Highness is also very strange today. Seeing Princess Beiming coming in, he ran in very anxiously and kicked Princess Beiming out. He also ordered Princess Beiming not to enter the inner hall again."

What?Bai Ruogang heard that Bei Mingyue came in and saw him, and hoped that she would find out the abnormality and save himself.But after hearing what Xiaoru said later, her hope was shattered again.Di Mohan kicked Yue'er out, so will she find out about her abnormality?Bai Ruo touched his face.With her current appearance, let alone Bei Mingyue, she probably wouldn't be able to recognize herself even if Senior Brother Six had come.Now that Yue'er can't enter the inner hall, how can he escape?
Xiao Yi watched Bai Ruo's face change from surprise to sadness. . .

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. Take good care of your body. You will be fine when your Highness is born." Xiaoyi comforted Bai Ruo, but she felt even more sympathetic to Bai Ruo.The concubine concubine probably doesn't know about His Royal Highness's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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