Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 293 She Needs to Find a Chance to Contact Them

Chapter 293 She Needs to Find a Chance to Contact Them
Xiao Ru felt uncomfortable when she heard Xiao Yi's words.After the concubine concubine gave birth to her little highness, she would be driven back to her original place.This is so pathetic.Why is the concubine concubine such a good person, how could His Royal Highness have the heart to treat her like this?
Bai Ruo stared blankly at the pill stove, Di Mohan drove Yue'er out and forbade her to enter the inner hall again.Then what should I do?Could it be that he was really waiting here to give birth to a child and then have his memory washed away?No, she absolutely can't sit still, she must find a chance to run out.Bei Mingyue came here, so the Sixth Senior Brother and Qingfeng Senior Brother must have also been here.She had to find a chance to get in touch with them.Let them protect themselves and leave.

But now I can't get out, and they can't get in.What should I do?Bai Ruo couldn't help feeling anxious.The child in her stomach also kicked her at this time.

From just over four months old, the child was able to feel her emotions.Whenever she wanted to give it up, it made a lot of noise.

Is this really a mother-child bond?Bai Ruo never thought that she would conceive a child so early.And there is less than a month to give birth.

Now that my mana has returned to the stage of being an immortal, will the child in my stomach be born a god or a fairy?She was very worried.According to Di Mohan, he would definitely not give this child to himself.So what does he want to do?Could it be that this child is going to be raised by Yue Linglong?No, Bai Ruo shook her head violently, Yue Linglong was delusional.She must bring the child back to Yaochi.Then dissolve the marriage between Yaochi and Tianzu.Bai Ruo sat blankly, thinking of ways to escape.

And Bei Mingyue left Zixiao Palace angrily.He cursed Di Mohan in his heart.The prince of the heavenly clan is simply an arrogant, arrogant, black-hearted, stinky and shameless man.With his own good intentions, he actually defended himself fiercely.

Back in the guest hall, I found that the Sixth Master Uncle was also angry.Master Qingfeng also stood quietly in the hall.She said angrily.

"You don't know how much this Crown Prince has gone too far. I went to see his concubine concubine with good intentions, but he actually pushed me to the ground and kicked me out of Zixiao Palace."

"You went to the inner hall of Zixiao Palace?" When Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe heard Bei Mingyue say this, they all looked at Bei Mingyue in surprise.Feng Yizhe opened his mouth to ask.

"Yeah, didn't I feel that the concubine concubine was pitiful, and then I went to see her, but not long after I arrived, His Royal Highness kicked me out." Bei Mingyue picked up a fruit on the table, and ruthlessly Take a bite.

"That concubine concubine is really pitiful. She is about to give birth with a child, and she is very thin. She fell asleep when I went there. There is a big burn scar on her face. If there is no scar, she should be quite beautiful .”

The more Bei Mingyue spoke, the more angry she became, "I heard from Xian'e and the others that His Royal Highness wanted to hand over the concubine's child to Yue Linglong's upbringing, and then drive her back to her original place after the concubine's concubine gave birth. Are you angry?"

"It's not easy for outsiders to say anything about this kind of thing. Don't be too angry." Qingfeng comforted Bei Mingyue.

"Hmph, people from all over the world used to talk about how powerful His Highness the Crown Prince is, how wise and powerful he is, and he can't stop praising him all day and night. I didn't expect it to be like this..." Bei Mingyue Qi didn't even know How should I describe Di Mohan?

 Don't worry about jumping to Zhuxiantai, the plot is coming soon.I can't reply you exactly how many chapters.I'm really serious about coding now.What do you always care about at Zhuxiantai?Shouldn't you be concerned about when I abuse the male lead?
(End of this chapter)

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