Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 294 The more I think about it, the more I think it's a good idea.

Chapter 294 The more I think about it, the more I think it's a good idea.

"His Royal Highness promised me to find the junior sister within a month. We will wait here for a month. If we can't find the junior sister within a month, then we will go back to Yaochi and ask the Queen Mother and Master directly." Feng Yizhe said.

"Really? He told you to find Master within a month?" Bei Mingyue heard Feng Yizhe say this, and looked at Feng Yizhe happily.

"Well, that's what he said."

"Great! We'll go back to Yaochi when we find Master. It doesn't matter if Heaven doesn't come," Bei Mingyue said happily. "The prince of the heavenly clan is not worthy of someone like my master. It would be even better if the marriage can be dissolved." Bei Mingyue felt that Di Mohan was really not worthy of her master.Although she had always thought that Master could become her sister-in-law, she was just thinking about it.Didn't dare to do anything about it.In addition to being weaker than Di Mohan in terms of identity, his elder brother also has weaker mana.In other respects, he was much better than Di Mohan.

"Where did you say Master went? Why have there been no news for so many months, even if you send us some news." Bei Mingyue said sadly. "I don't know what happened to Master."

"The matter has come to this, let's wait for this month." Feng Yizhe felt sad now. 3000 years ago, Junior Sister also disappeared for several months. When she was found, her magic power was damaged, and even the memory of those few months was lost.No idea what she was suffering from.The master and the queen mother spent countless elixir and elixir to restore the body of the junior sister.

"Uncle Six, I think there is one thing that is very strange. I think she is very familiar with the concubine concubine. But there are only a few Xian'e and Xianzi I know. Could it be that I have seen her somewhere before?" Bei Mingyue is still thinking about where she saw that concubine concubine.

"Maybe you have seen her somewhere." Feng Yizhe was only thinking about where his junior sister was suffering, and he didn't care about Bei Mingyue's words.

Haitang and Ruyi stood aside silently, worried about their princess. It was the two of them who took care of their own princess who returned from injury 3000 years ago.They also took care of the seriously injured princess of Antarctic Land.Hope the princess doesn't get hurt again.

"Oh no, my alchemy furnace is still in Zixiao Palace, it's a gift from my master!" Bei Mingyue suddenly remembered that her alchemy furnace was still in Zixiao Palace.Di Mohan forbade him to enter the inner hall again.What can I do?Bei Mingyue became a little anxious.

"Tell Immortal Physician Simu that he will bring it back for you when he goes to Purple Night Palace next time." Qingfeng said. "My cousin has a bad temper. Don't confront him, or you will be the one who suffers."

"Okay. I'll find Immortal Physician Simu later and ask him to bring back the alchemy furnace for me." Bei Mingyue said so, but another idea came to her mind.She just can't admit defeat.Be sure to visit the inner hall of Zixiao Palace again.Immortal Physician Simu will definitely take Yaotong to Zixiao Palace, so she can pretend to be Yaotong and go in together.For some reason, Bei Mingyue always felt that she knew the concubine concubine.She is also very sympathetic to what happened to her.Another one, if Di Mohan treated her master like this, if he didn't fight against him, how could he be worthy of her master?The more Bei Mingyue thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was a good idea.

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  Author: Lou Ji Nian

  Introduction: The president of Dongsheng Group, whose sky would collapse with a cough, finally accepted an exclusive interview!
  "Mr. Lu, what is the most successful thing you have done in your life?"

  "Marry a wife."

  "Uh, what about the one thing you think failed the most?"

  "Have a baby."

  "...Then what is your greatest wish?"

  "Have a baby with Jiang Yuan."

  The host said that he is really a person who doesn't talk too much, my society, Brother Lu!

  Jiang Yuan in front of the TV spurted out a mouthful of old blood, looked at the three buns beside him...are they still alive...?


(End of this chapter)

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