Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 295 I still feel something is wrong

Chapter 295 I still feel something is wrong
Well, just do it like this, this concubine concubine is also a poor person.If Emperor Mohan really drove her back to the extremely cold place, then she should take in this concubine.It doesn't matter whether it is to let her go to Yaochi or Beiming.It's better than her alone.

Bei Mingyue went to Immortal Doctor Simu immediately.

"Simu Immortal Doctor." Bei Mingyue smiled and looked at Simu Immortal Doctor who was busy.There is a sparkle in the eyes.

"Princess Moon!" Immortal Doctor Simu smiled wryly. Today, because of Bei Mingyue's going to Zixiao Palace, he was reprimanded by the people sent by His Royal Highness.Seeing Bei Mingyue now, he felt a little scared.

"When are you going to Zixiao Palace?" Bei Mingyue asked in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness the Prince sent someone to reprimand me today, telling me not to leave my post without permission in the future." Immortal Physician Simu said a little depressed.

"Hmph, you were really too busy at the time. My magic power is higher than yours, and my alchemy is better than yours. What's the point of making a soup?" , Immediately became excited. "He just has a prejudice against me! I don't know why he is so bad. He treats his concubine like that..."

"Princess, please keep your voice down." Seeing Bei Mingyue speaking so loudly, Immortal Doctor Simu hurriedly stopped her.It would be bad if someone else heard it.

"What are you stopping me for..." Bei Mingyue looked at Immortal Doctor Simu angrily. "My alchemy furnace is still in Purple Night Palace. I have to go get it back."

"Princess, I really can't let you pass!" Simu Immortal Doctor hurriedly explained. "I'll bring you back your alchemy furnace, do you think it's okay?"

"Didn't you want to bring the drug boy there? Is it okay if I transform into a drug boy? I promise to go in peace and not talk." Bei Mingyue raised her hand as if swearing.

"No way! Princess, don't embarrass me!" Immortal Doctor Simu looked at this savage Princess Beiming with a headache.

"Do you still want those fairy herbs? I'm just being your medicine boy, and I'm not going to hurt anyone. Is there any need for you to be so afraid? The big deal is that we will go there when His Royal Highness is in court. He must find out No." Bei Mingyue had already inquired about this.Threats and lures.

Immortal doctor Simu is also a medical idiot, and he is also obsessed with alchemy.Hearing Bei Mingyue say this, he hesitated for a while.Finally agreed.The fairy grass that Bei Mingyue wanted to give him was something he had never found, and Immortal Doctor Simu also planned to exchange some elixir that he had refined with Bei Mingyue.

"Then I'll go back to the guest hall first, and let me know when you're ready to go!" Bei Mingyue returned to the guest hall with a happy expression when she heard Immortal Doctor Simu agreed.

On the other hand, Yue Linglong became suspicious of this concubine.The reason is what Xiaoyi said to her.

"Miss, don't you think it's strange? How could someone as powerful as His Highness the Crown Prince be saved by an ordinary fairy. What's more, he brought her back to the Heavenly Court and accepted her as a concubine?"

"It might have been an accident." Although Yue Linglong felt that it was unlikely that her senior brother would be saved by this concubine.But there are also many accidents in the world that are difficult to explain clearly.

"I think there is still something wrong, maybe I'm worrying too much." Xiaoyi always thinks this concubine is weird, and His Highness the crown prince's attitude towards concubine is also very strange.

"Miss, I think what Xiaoyi said is right." Qingqing also felt something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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