Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 296 I will definitely figure things out carefully

Chapter 296 I Will Definitely Clarify Things Carefully

"Think about it, didn't you say that this concubine saved His Highness the Crown Prince? Then she should let her take the Young Highness with her when she gave birth. Why would she not want to stay in the Heavenly Court?" Qingqing showed doubts. "And after she heard that I was sent by you to see her, something happened. This means that she should have heard of you, or knew you."

"Let me find a chance to ask my senior brother about this matter." Hearing what Xiaoyi and Qingqing said, Yue Linglong also began to doubt in her heart.

"I also heard today that Princess Beiming went to the inner hall, but was kicked out by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Qingqing said the rumors she heard today.

"Princess Beiming? What is she going to do in the inner hall?" Yue Linglong knew that Beimingyue had come to the Heavenly Court.She also doesn't like this Princess Beiming very much. Bei Mingyue has been following Princess Bairuo like a little follower, and every time she meets her, she also looks arrogant.

"I heard Xiaorou said that she was helping the Immortal Physician Simu to cook soup. It's really strange that she, a princess of Beiming, is still working as an immortal physician." Qingqing said with a look of disdain.

"Miss, didn't you say that Princess Bairuo and His Royal Highness went out to practice together? Why didn't Princess Bai Ruo hear the news when His Royal Highness came back?" Xiaoyi asked Yue Linglong pretending to be curious.

"Princess Bairuo should have returned to Yaochi." Yue Linglong has been preparing the ingredients for the Huanyan Pill these days.Never thought about this problem.

"But I saw that Lord Qingfeng, Lord Fengyizhe, and Princess Beiming have all arrived in Lihentian. And Princess Bairuo's two maids also came together." Qingqing also interjected.

"You said Qingfeng Shenjun, Feng Yizhe Shenjun, and Princess Beiming have all arrived in Lihentian. And Princess Bairuo's two maids also came together?" Yue Linglong frowned when she heard this.

"That's right, Lihentian, who arrived two days ago. Today, His Royal Highness received Qingfeng Shenjun and Feng Yizhe Shenjun in the main hall. Feng Yizhe Shenjun went in with an angry face, and came out with an angry face." Qingqing was very pleased. Like gossip, some immortals in Zixiao Palace are willing to please Qingqing and tell her some things.

"Do you know what they said?" Yue Linglong felt more and more that something was wrong.

"They didn't say this. His Royal Highness and the three of them were in the main hall at that time. The other guards would not tell me if they heard it." Qingqing shook her head and said.

"Well, you should inquire about these things carefully." Yue Linglong decided to inquire about these things carefully to find out what was going on.She also felt that her brother's attitude towards this concubine was very strange.

"Yes, Miss, don't worry, I will definitely clarify the matter carefully." Qing Qing promised.

After watching Bai Ruo fall asleep, Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi walked out of the inner hall gently.The faces of both of them were not very good-looking.

"Xiaoyi, you said how sad the concubine concubine would be if she knew the news." Xiaoru said with a sympathetic face.

"Yeah, the empress's body hasn't recovered yet, if she knows that His Royal Highness is going to send His Highness to Fairy Linglong to raise her, she doesn't know what will happen."

"What do you think is going on between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the concubine? I think they are enemies." Xiaoru thinks things are too weird.

"Be careful that the walls have ears, let's serve the concubine first, and the little highness will give birth soon." Xiaoyi can't think of any good way.

 It's the weekend soon, add another chapter.The more comments, the more you add!

(End of this chapter)

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