Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 297 Princess Bairuo Is Missing?

Chapter 297 Princess Bairuo Is Missing?
"I know, don't I think the concubine concubine is too pitiful." Xiaoru said in a low voice.

"Oh!" Xiaoyi sighed. "It would be better if the concubine concubine could speak, unlike now, where you have to guess what you want to say or do."

"Xiao Yi, do you find it strange?" Xiao Ru wanted to ask this question for a long time, but she always felt that it was impossible.So I never asked.

"What's so strange?" Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Ru, not understanding what she wanted to say.

Xiao Ru looked around and saw no one around, so she said in a low voice. "His Royal Highness has such powerful mana. It stands to reason that even if the concubine concubine is born dumb, she should be able to be cured. Also, it is strange that the concubine concubine has not been allowed out of the inner hall for ten months."

"It makes sense to hear you say that. I've always found it very strange. But why?"

"Tell me, is it true that His Royal Highness likes the concubine concubine, so he directly forced the concubine concubine, but the concubine concubine doesn't like to stay in the heaven, so she wants to leave?" Xiaoru guessed.

"But, isn't His Royal Highness the sweetheart of Fairy Linglong? His Royal Highness refused to marry Princess Bairuo of Yaochi in public because of Fairy Linglong." Xiaoyi felt that Xiaoru's guess was wrong.

"In short, these things are very strange." Xiaoru looked forward with a bitter face.

"I used to think that being the concubine's concubine's maid would make her return to her original form immediately if she became a female official. Sigh!" Xiaoru sighed sadly. "Xiaoyi, do you think His Highness the Crown Prince will let the two of us take care of His Highness?" Xiaoru felt that she and Xiaoyi had treated the concubine concubine very well in the past ten months.If the concubine concubine had to go back to the extremely cold place after giving birth, would she and Xiaoyi take care of the little highness?
"I don't know, let's not think about it just yet. Take good care of the concubine."

"I think it will, after all, the two of us have taken care of the concubine concubine for so long." Xiaoru guessed.

"Xu, keep your voice down. Don't let the concubine concubine hear it. She can't be stimulated anymore. If she knows this, she might be very sad." Xiaoyi interrupted Xiaoru.

"I know, I won't say anything." Xiaoru nodded and said in a low voice.

Qing Qingzai carefully searched around Zixiao Palace and Tianting.Heard a lot of important news.Hastily returned to the guest hall of Zixiao Palace.

"Miss! I inquired about many things." Qingqing hurried in.

"Speak slowly." Yue Linglong put down the fairy grass in her hand, and looked at Qingqing who was running in a hurry.

"The time when this Concubine Concubine came to Heaven was actually not long after you disappeared. I heard from people in Tianfei Palace that it was His Royal Highness who said that Concubine Concubine was burned by fire in order to save His Highness, so His Highness accepted her as Concubine Concubine But because of her damaged appearance, she is not allowed to step out of the inner hall. And she seems to be born unable to speak." Qingqing said all the important things she heard in one breath.

"Not long after I disappeared, Concubine Shu entered Zixiao Palace?" Yue Linglong calculated the time.

"Also, Miss, I heard a piece of news. I don't know if it's true. Lord Qingfeng and Lord Fengyizhe came here to ask His Royal Highness the whereabouts of Princess Bairuo of Yaochi. They searched for it for several months. Find Princess Yaochi." Qingqing also overheard the guards talking about this matter.

"Princess Bairuo is missing?"

(End of this chapter)

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