Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 301 What did you get into the concubine concubine's soup?

Chapter 301 What did you get into the concubine concubine's soup?
When Bai Ruo drank this bowl of soup, she immediately felt the difference.After drinking it, I immediately felt a lot more aura in my body.

This silly Yueer, how many good things did he get in it?Bai Ruo couldn't help laughing.

Bai Ruo sat down and began to meditate, transforming these things into spiritual power.

Bei Mingyue sat in Li Hentian's guest hall and sighed, "Why didn't the Simu Immortal Doctor come to inform me?"

"What to tell you?" Feng Yizhe asked casually.

"Of course it is to inform me when to go to the inner hall of Zixiao Palace to see the concubine concubine." Bei Mingyue said with a proud smile. "His Royal Highness won't let me enter the inner hall, I always have a way to get in. You don't know, that concubine concubine looks so thin, and I threw some good things that master kept in the soup for her this time." Go in. Maybe it will increase the magic power of that concubine for thousands of years, "

"What?" Feng Yizhe was shocked when he heard this. "What did you put into the concubine concubine's soup?"

"It's nothing. Just those Wannian Snow Ganoderma lucidum, Wannian Snow Lotus, Yaochi Pill, top-grade Lingli Pill, and several top-grade fairy grasses. Master said that eating those things can enhance mana for thousands of years."

"Why are you messing around?" Feng Yizhe couldn't help reprimanding Bei Mingyue loudly. "That's the prince and concubine of the Heavenly Court, the little highness who is still pregnant for eight or nine months. It must be no problem for you to eat these things for the ordinary gods. Others will be grateful to you. But now she has You're pregnant, what if something happens because you can't bear these elixir?" Feng Yizhe felt a terrible headache.How could Bei Mingyue have done such a big thing quietly.

If something happens to this, they will be in trouble.

"What? You said you gave Wannian Snow Ganoderma lucidum, Wannian Snow Lotus, Yaochi Pill, top-grade Lingli Pill, and several top-grade celestial herbs in the concubine's decoction?" Qingfeng Shangxian was refining pills, listen If he arrived at Beimingyue, he also rushed over.

"Yes, I have read the classics. These things may enhance the mana for thousands of years." At that time, Bei Mingyue only wanted to help the concubine strengthen her mana, so as not to make her feel too wronged.But I never thought that if these elixir were eaten, the pregnant concubine would be able to bear it.

"I was also very angry at the time, and wanted to help her. I really didn't mean it." Bei Mingyue became anxious now.What if something happened to the concubine concubine and His Royal Highness because of her self-assertion?
"You carefully report the names of those elixir, and I will take care of it. If there is no problem, it's fine. If there is a problem, you must tell His Royal Highness about it. Otherwise, because of you, something happened to the concubine or His Royal Highness, then the matter will be closed." It's a big deal." Qingfeng thought that if nothing happened, then don't tell Di Mohan about it.If there is a problem, you must tell him.Otherwise, Beimingyue and the Beiming clan would be in trouble.With him here, let's protect Bei Mingyue.If something happens and you say it again, then there will be consequences. . .He didn't dare to imagine.

Bei Mingyue also became anxious at this moment, and told all the fairy grass and elixirs she put in.

"That's all, that's all!" Bei Mingyue finished speaking, looking at Qingfeng and Fengyiyi with a look of fear. "Both masters, will the concubine concubine be all right?"

"You actually gave more than 20 kinds of elixir and celestial grass..." Feng Yizhe closed his mouth that was wide open in surprise. "You are amazing!"

 Adding more for gay friends: (Tenderness in the Rain) is about to end, title: Pounding Heartbeat: Black-bellied Husband’s Addiction to Pets Introduction: (1V1 sweet pet) is reborn and returned, his only idea is to find her and wait for her.Then, pet her, pet her and pet her.Some people said that Zhao Yan spoiled Liang Luoxue, which is not good.Zhao Yan smiled, that's just right, spoiled is his alone.Thinking about it in my heart, it seems that the strength is not enough, let's pet a little more... (1V1 strong pet) I don't like each other when they meet for the first time, but I don't know that a kiss is addictive.So, she couldn't avoid it, and hid again and again; he pressed on every step of the way, entangled tightly.It doesn't matter when he fell in love, the important thing is that she also lost her heart unknowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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