Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 302 You will see her soon.

Chapter 302 You will see her soon.

It's not that I feel sorry for these elixir and fairy grass.Instead, she felt that Bei Mingyue's move was a bit too reckless.These elixir and celestial grass are very precious, and it is no problem to make up for the immortal, but it is not necessarily a good thing if you are pregnant, maybe it is a good thing.It may be a bad thing to increase the mana of the child in the belly.It will be troublesome if you can't bear so many treasures and become obsessed in cultivation.

"This matter can be big or small. I will report these things to Taishang Laojun first, and see what the old man has to say. If there is nothing wrong, it is fine. If there is something wrong, please ask the old man to go to the inner hall of Zixiao Palace." Qingfeng decided to go to Taishang Laojun.

"Okay, then let's go together!" Bei Mingyue followed to find Taishang Laojun.Feng Yizhe naturally also went together.

"See Princess Beiming! The God of Qingfeng! The God of Wind Yizhe!" Tushitian's guards saluted immediately when they saw the three of them.

"Please get up! The three of us came to see Laojun. I don't know if Laojun has left the customs?" Qingfeng asked.

"Laojun has just left the customs. I told you to go in directly if the princess and the emperor arrive." Tushitian's guard replied with a smile.

"That's good!" Feng Yizhe heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, he was afraid that Taishang Laojun was still in seclusion, which would be troublesome.

The breeze and the wind are easy to break, Bei Mingyue strides into Tushitian,

Taishang Laojun stood at the gate of the hall and looked at the three of them with a smile.

"Qingfeng meets Taishang Laojun!"

"Feng Yizhe sees Taishang Laojun!"

"Bei Mingyue sees Taishang Laojun!"

The three saluted the Taishang Laojun.

"Exemption! Exemption!" Taishang Laojun said with a smile, shaking his whisk. "I know you're coming, but it's true that I've gained a lot this time, and I'm in a hurry to refine those elixirs. That's why I left the customs later."

"Lao Jun has worked hard." Qingfeng said with a smile. "I have something urgent to ask Laojun today."

"Say it!"

Qingfeng told what Bei Mingyue did.He also said those elixir and fairy grass. "Bei Mingyue also has good intentions, and she didn't intend to harm the concubine concubine. We want to ask whether these things will hurt the concubine concubine and the little highness in her belly?"

After listening to Qingfeng's words, Taishang Laojun was silent for a long time.Just when the breeze, the moon in the north, and the wind are too fast to break.

Taishang Laojun has spoken. "These things will not harm Concubine Shu and the little Highness in her stomach. On the contrary, they will increase the mana of her and the little Highness. Don't worry about that."

"Great!" After hearing this, Bei Mingyue clenched her fists excitedly.She was afraid that if she did something bad with good intentions, she would really have a bad conscience.

"Since it's fine, then we can rest assured." Feng Yizhe and Qingfeng also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"You came here this time to find Princess Bairuo?" Taishang Laojun looked at everyone with a smile.

"Well, my junior sister has been missing for many months. Even the Jade Card can't contact her. We are worried about her safety." Feng Yizhe replied.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before you can see her soon." Taishang Laojun said with a smile.

"Really?" Feng Yizhe and Bei Mingyue became excited when they heard Taishang Laojun say this.

"Then when can I see Master?" Bei Mingyue said loudly.

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked! The time has come! We will see it naturally!" Taishang Laojun finished.Turned around and entered the inner hall. "I'm going to continue refining alchemy in closed doors, you can do whatever you want!"


(End of this chapter)

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