Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 385 Getting to know the Lord Baozhu is the luckiest thing in her life

Chapter 385 Getting to know the Lord Baozhu is the luckiest thing in her life

"My health is much better! Thank you for your concern!" Bai Ruo said with a smile, "Go to my courtyard!" Said Bai Ruo glanced at Yun Nuan.

Yun Nuan nodded with a smile. "Go and play in Ruo'er Courtyard! I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you!"

Both Xu Yan and Xu Wei have been to Bai Ruo's Orb Courtyard.After a while, the three of them arrived at Baozhuyuan.

"County Lord, these camellias are so beautiful!" Xu Yan saw that the ten or so camellias were all in bloom, and immediately stepped forward to take a look. "Is this pruned by the gardener?" Seeing the ball-like shapes, Xu Yan asked.

"The big ones were pruned by the gardener, and the small ones were pruned by me. After a while, the flowers will all bloom, and they will definitely be very beautiful!" Bai Ruo has seen the camellia trees that have been planted for more than ten years blooming all over the branches. Beautiful like a dream.very beautiful!
"Then we must come and see it!" Xu Yan said with a smile.

After looking at the camellias, the three of them entered the room.

"Looking for Mr. Su a few days ago, my second brother came to search your house and disturbed the house. This time he knew that I was coming, and he told me to apologize to you." Xu Yan said in a low voice.

"Second brother Xu is responsible, so I don't need to say sorry. I don't know if they found that Mr. Su?" Bai Ruo heard Xu Yan talk about this matter.With a heartbeat, he asked.

"There was quite a lot of movement in those days. My second brother and the others searched the entire capital. They couldn't find Mr. Su! I don't know if he is dead or alive now!" Xu Yan replied.

When Bai Ruo heard that Mr. Su had not been found, he was both happy and worried.Happy because he should have escaped, worried because he was not found, then something happened to him again.Bai Ruo didn't know why she kept thinking of him.Still worried about him, obviously just a person who met by chance, Bai Ruo withdrew his thoughts and smiled.

"Can you still go out before Chinese New Year?" Seeing Bai Ruo's unhappy expression, Xu Yan thought about taking Bai Ruo out for a stroll.

"I don't know yet. If you can go out, I'll ask Xiaohong and the others to send you a message." Bai Ruo didn't know whether his parents would allow him to go out.

"Okay!" Xu Yan nodded.

"Miss, the cakes are ready!" Xiao Hong came over and reported to Bai Ruo.

"Two sisters come to try my newly researched rose pastry." Bai Ruo said with a smile on her face.During the days when she was grounded, she led three servant girls to study food every day.I have made several kinds of pastries, and the taste is not bad.

"I'll try it!" Xu Yan immediately reached out and took a piece of rose pastry and ate it. "Well, not bad! Sweet and delicious, and the fragrance of roses!"

Xu Wei also began to eat in small bites.

"County Master, you are really good at so many things." Xu Yan felt that getting to know Baozhu County Master was the luckiest thing in her life. Every time she came to Baifu, she could eat a lot of delicious food. "This craftsmanship is no worse than Fumanlou's."

"I'm just coming up with ideas, Xiaoqing, Xiaohong and Xiaolu are all doing it." Bai Ruo said with a smile.

"This sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so beautiful!" Xu Yan ate another small piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake. "The color is yellow and white, no spots, no impurities. The tissue is moist and soft, and the slag is fine and smooth! It's so good!" Xiaoqing and the others made the sweet-scented osmanthus cake into small pieces of rose petals.It looks very beautiful.

"This chestnut cake tastes very good too!" Xu Wei also praised.

"You like it, when you go back next time, bring a few boxes back for your family to try!"

(End of this chapter)

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