Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 386 I'm really relieved that you married into this White House!

Chapter 386 I'm really relieved that you married into this White House!

"Great! Thank you, county master!" Xu Yan thanked immediately.

Xu Wei immediately swallowed what she was about to refuse.

"The honey honeycomb cake is also delicious!" Xu Yan took a big sip of water after eating the honey honeycomb cake in her hand. "Fortunately, these are very delicate and small, otherwise I will definitely be full after trying them all!"

"If you like it, I will ask Xiaohong to give the recipe to your maid, and let the cook in your house make it. Then you will be able to taste it every day!" Bai Ruo looked at Xu Yan with a smile.I have a close relationship with Xu Yan, one is because the Xu family and the Bai family are close, and the other is because Xu Yan's temperament is very similar to myself, and they both like food very much.

"That won't work. My grandmother and mother will definitely punish me if they find out!" Xu Yan shook her head immediately.Pastry recipes and recipe recipes are handed down by each family.If he dared to take the prescription given by the county lord, his mother would definitely have to deal with him.

"No, this is something I researched myself, not the prescriptions circulated in our house! I believe Mrs. Xu and Aunt Xu will not punish you." Looking at Xu Yan's appearance, Bai Ruo smiled even more incredible.

Although Xu Yan is bold, she is only afraid of her grandmother and mother.At home, Master Xu, Master Xu and two elder brothers dote on her very much.But Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Xu are very strict.

"County Lord, you are so kind!" Xu Yan said emotionally as she tugged on Bai Ruo's sleeve.

"Hey, sister Xu Yan, you didn't wipe your hands, so you just wiped my clothes! You used my clothes as a rag, didn't you!" Bai Ruo immediately slapped Xu Yan's hand away.

"I'm so excited!" Xu Yan looked at the two marks on Bai Ruo's sleeve, and her face immediately turned red.

"Okay! It's okay, I'll go change a set of clothes first. The two sisters sit down first. Let's have lunch together later." Bai Ruo didn't mind, and said to the two with a smile.

"Okay!" Xu Yan nodded immediately.

"Sister, I'm really relieved that you are married to this White Mansion!" Xu Yan said to Xu Wei with a smile.

Xu Wei glared at Xu Yan.

"I'm serious! Mrs. Bai is so friendly, and your sister-in-law, the county magistrate, is so nice! I really don't have to worry about you in the future!" Xu Yan really thought so.My sister has found a lover, she is really happy.Like herself, she was sad.Although the Xu family is also a pure minister, they can't avoid the dispute between the two palaces, and the county lord can't avoid it either.I don't know what will happen to them in the future.Now it seems that the crown prince is more likely to win, but until the end, who knows who will win and who will lose.His Majesty had already greeted his grandfather a long time ago, and the family could not decide on his own marriage.I believe the county lord is the same.Xu Yan felt that her temperament was not suitable for the court at all.And she doesn't like His Royal Highness, although His Royal Highness and the second and third princes are very handsome.But none of them belonged entirely to one woman.If she wants to compete with dozens of people, she can't do it!I don't want to either!
"Don't be sad! I believe that grandfather and father can find a way!" Xu Wei comforted Xu Yan.Xu Wei is also very worried about Xu Yan, if she enters the palace, with Xu Yan's temperament, it will be difficult to survive.But the holy will is hard to disobey, if it is not holy, it may be in danger of extermination.But if they just watched the little sister enter the palace and suffer, the people in the Xu Mansion would not be able to do it.Bachelor Xu and Master Xu have also been thinking of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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