Chapter 101

Gu Chongzhi covered her mouth in shock and fear: "Fourth sister, don't talk nonsense, you can't beat him, you can't beat them."

With tears in her eyes, she looked at Gu Chongyang with a pale face: "I'm telling you the truth, not for revenge. If you are so reckless, you really have let me down. I have nothing, I can only endure humiliation and be manipulated by others But you are different, you still have an uncle, you write a letter to the uncle of the Shen family and ask the Shen family to send someone to pick you up. Don't be in the Gu family anymore, this is not a place for people to stay. "

"No!" Gu Chongyang yelled angrily, irritated like a trapped animal: "I won't leave, I will definitely not leave in a desperate way, I must avenge my mother. That bastard Gu Zhanyun, he will not die for a day, The hatred in my heart will not disappear for a day."

Just as she finished speaking, a servant girl called from a distance: "Third Miss, Fourth Miss, the old lady lost her temper in An Rong Yuan, and she wants to ask you something."

Gu Chongzhi shuddered, but Gu Chongyang still had resentment on his face.

"Fourth sister, if you want to take revenge, you must bear it! If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. Stop gnashing your teeth like this."

Gu Chongyang naturally understood, but she couldn't help it.She took a deep breath, but instead comforted Gu Chongzhi and said: "When the old lady asks later, you just say you don't know. No matter what she asks, you just shake your head. Gu Chongzhu who made a fool of himself has nothing to do with us."

Gu Chongzhi said calmly, "I know."

The two of them followed the maid to An Rong Yuan, Gu Chongyang's hands were tightly clenched along the way, and his face was even more ugly.

At the gate of An Rong Yuan, Gu Chongzhi asked worriedly: "Fourth sister, are you okay?"

"Third sister, don't worry, I know what to do and what not to do."

Gu Chongyang gritted his teeth and said this, then walked in.

"You have such a good daughter!" Mrs. Ge's face was as dark as if it was about to rain: "Qing Tian Bai Ri actually had an affair with someone, the face of our Gu family girl has been completely humiliated."

"Old lady calm down, old lady calm down." The second lady trembled and kowtowed to Mrs. Ge on the ground: "Sister Zhu is stubborn, but she doesn't dare to do such a thing. Someone must be setting her up."

The second lady glanced at Gu Chonghua with red eyes, and pointed out: "Old lady, you must check it out."

"Framed?" Mrs. Ge laughed back angrily: "Who framed her? Who dares to frame her? What do you mean? Could it be that Sister Hua framed her?"

While talking, Gu Chongyang and Gu Chongzhi had already walked in, Mrs. Ge glanced at the two of them, and said grimly: "Or is it the third girl or the fourth girl who framed her?"

"Old lady, my daughter-in-law doesn't know who the murderer is behind the scenes, but my daughter-in-law can assure you that sister Zhu is definitely not such a person." Thinking of Gu Chongzhu's appearance when she was brought back, the second wife's heart ached, and she felt sorry for Gu Chonghua, Gu Chongzhi, Gu Chonghua, and Gu Chongzhi. The three people in Chongyang hated it even more, it must be the ghost of the three of them.

"Old lady, if there is really an affair, how could Sister Zhu be in front of so many people? She is really innocent, please trust my daughter-in-law." The second lady cried pitifully: "Sister Zhu is burning hot all over now. , I can’t stop shaking, old lady, please ask an imperial doctor to show Miss Zhu.”

"Please ask the imperial physician?" Mrs. Ge's voice was as cold as hailstones: "Don't you think that the Gu family is not ashamed enough today? Is it not enough for a few relatives to know about it, and you still have to make a scene for everyone to know about?"

"No, no, no." Fei shook his head repeatedly: "Old lady, my daughter-in-law doesn't dare. It's just that sister Zhu is like this, if she doesn't ask the imperial doctor to take the medicine, she will be tortured to death. Old lady, you always love her, Please take pity on your poor daughter-in-law, pity on sister Zhu, please save her life."

"Fei Shi, you don't need your face, but our Gu family still needs face." Mrs. Ge said indifferently: "She did such a disgraceful thing, I didn't give her a bowl of medicine to poison her to death, it was kind of me. Please doctor? You are wishful thinking."

"Then what should I do? Then what should I do?" The second lady was helpless, looking at the crowd with tears in her eyes: "Sister-in-law, please save sister Zhu, I will always remember your kindness."

Now that you know how to beg me, what did you do earlier?
Just now I wanted to pin the shit bowl on Sister Hua, Fei, do you think I am a dead person?
The eldest lady sneered inwardly, and said on the face: "It's not that I don't love her, it's just that this time, Sister Zhu's mistake is really too big. I can't take the reputation of other girls in the Gu family for her alone. Right? The imperial doctor must not be invited, but she has been so eager... Burning her body with evil fire is not a solution. I think so, I will open the cellar immediately, take a few buckets of ice out to cool Miss Zhu, although it is colder, Either way, it’s more effective.”

Although the capital has returned to spring in February, they are still wearing quilted clothes. At this time, using ice to cool down, isn't it necessary for Gu Chongzhu to get rid of half of his life?

"Sister-in-law, why are you so..." The second lady glared at the eldest lady angrily, but swallowed her words at a critical moment.At this moment, she couldn't turn against Da Fang at all.

She had no choice but to turn her head and continue to beg Mrs. Ge: "Old lady..."

"Okay, don't say any more. Even if you talk badly, I definitely won't agree to ask the imperial doctor to spread the family scandal." Mrs. Ge interrupted her mercilessly, and then asked: "Third girl, fourth girl, Tell me, what happened today?"

Gu Chongyang and Gu Chongzhi stepped forward and knelt down together.

"Old lady, everything is fine today. Later, I accidentally knocked over a bowl of assorted honey soup and went back to change clothes. I also heard from the fourth sister. She said that the second sister was drunk. We were crazy about drinking, and the banquet was over, so the two of us played for a while at the rockery by the lake."

"You lied!" The second lady suddenly shouted, "Why did you overturn the assorted honey soup? You did it on purpose! You were the one who framed Miss Zhu. Well, you black-hearted little bitch, I'll give it to you Drink, you actually hurt Miss Zhu with your heart and dog's lungs, I am really blind to treat you so well."

The more the second lady thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. She stared at Gu Chongzhi with scarlet eyes, grabbed Gu Chongzhi's hair, and beat her head and face.

"I didn't, I didn't!" Gu Chongzhi didn't resist, but she didn't accept it as before, she hid and shouted: "I didn't, the second sister did something bad herself, mother, why don't you beat her, But always hit me?"

"Okay, how dare you talk stubbornly!" The second lady became more and more angry, and she grabbed Gu Chongzhi's hair without loosening her hands, but her hands were even more forceful.

That ferocious appearance and ferocious expression made the maids and women in the room look sideways.

Mrs. Ge couldn't stand it anymore, she shouted angrily: "Enough! Look at you, how can you still have the air of a lady? You don't think things are messy enough? It's the second girl who behaved badly. You hit three What did the girl do, it didn't crawl out of your stomach, so you treat her so viciously?"

"Old lady!" The second lady stared at Mrs. Ge in astonishment. No matter how she abused Gu Chongzhi in the past, the old lady never asked about it. She never thought that she would call herself vicious today.

She was startled and roared angrily: "This bastard framed Sister Zhu, his heart is terrible, beating her is nothing, even if I kill her, it will not be able to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

"Third sister is right!" Gu Chonghua finally couldn't stand it anymore, and she accused with righteous indignation: "It is the second sister who bullies the third sister, treats her like a servant girl, does not let her eat, only asks her to pour wine, and deliberately puts the mixed wine on the table. The honey soup was splashed on the third sister. I saw it with my own eyes, and the other girls saw it too. Second aunt, you don’t beat the second sister, but you come to beat the third sister, what kind of reason is this?"

"Wow, wow!" The second lady jumped and said, "Miss, I beat and scolded my daughter, and you, a junior from the next room, came to teach me a lesson. What's the reason? Old lady, is there any king in our Gu family?" law?"

The second wife is going to use this matter to confuse the public and expose Gu Chongzhu's matter.

Unexpectedly, when the curtain was lifted, Madam Su walked in quickly: "Old lady, I have found out everything."

Mrs. Ge said in a deep voice: "Say! What's going on?"

"Master Fei's Biao said that our Second Miss asked him to come, and also said that Second Miss asked him to pretend to be a servant and wait in the wing."

"You're talking nonsense!" The second lady pointed at Su Nanny in a high-pitched voice and said, "Sister Zhu can't do this! Who did you collect money to frame Sister Zhu along with those people? Su Nanny, you are so big! guts!"

"Second Madam, what are you talking about?" Su Momo was also unhappy: "I belong to the old lady, do you doubt me or the old lady?"

The words were so sharp that the second lady realized that the person in front of her was not an ordinary servant girl.She choked up howling like a chicken being strangled.

"Old lady, my daughter-in-law doesn't mean that!"

Mrs. Ge glanced at her coldly, and then said: "Nurse Su, go on, what else did Fei Shirong say."

"Yes." Madam Su said, "Master Fei Biao said that he doesn't know what Second Miss asked him to come here for."

The moment Fei Shirong was tied up, he knew that he couldn't get it right, so he decided to put the whole thing on Gu Chongzhu and pretended not to know.Therefore, no matter how Nanny Su asked, he insisted that Gu Chongzhu invited him here.

The second wife said as if grasping at straws: "Someone must have called Shirong here under the name of Sister Zhu. If there is really an affair, shouldn't we make an appointment in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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