Rebirth of a prosperous doctor girl

Chapter 102 Question 4 Master

Chapter 102 Questioning the Fourth Master
The second wife has always relied on being the old lady's niece to act as a domineering, and she doesn't respect the servants in Mrs. Ge's courtyard very much. Su Momo has long disliked the second wife.

At this moment, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, and she took a package from the maid behind her and said, "Old lady, this was found from the second lady's room. There are several bottles of medicine and more than a dozen books."

The writing on the small medicine bottle was too small for Gu Chongyang to read because it was too far away, but she knew it must be the medicine that made people suffer from diarrhea, itchy body, and sleeplessness. A picture of a beautiful lady is probably an emotional medicine that makes people lose their minds.

Mrs. Ge took the book and looked at it, veins popping out of her forehead, she threw the book in front of the second lady on the spot: "You have such a good daughter!"

Books were scattered on the ground, including "The Story of the West Chamber", "The History of Zetian's Romance", and "The Legend of Feiyan Hede".

"You said someone wronged her, tell me, who wronged her?" Mrs. Ge was furious, and slapped her hand on the table: "Let's not talk about girls in our Gu family, even men don't read such corrupting books. Yes, this is the lady you taught, the daughter of a famous family!"

At the moment when Mrs. Ge threw the book to the ground, the second lady wished she could pass out.

There are all the witnesses and material evidence, even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

At this moment, not to mention other people, even the second lady herself believed that Gu Chongzhu must have lost her mind seeing these things, so she called Fei Shirong here, trying to steal the forbidden fruit and do something obscene.

The second lady's face turned pale, and she knelt on the ground with a "plop": "Old lady, this... is because the daughter-in-law is not good at teaching the daughter, so that such scandals happened in the family, please punish the old lady."

As she spoke, she kowtowed deeply to Mrs. Ge.

"It's not just that you have to be punished, the second girl can't be forgiven lightly!"

Thinking that Gu Chonghua's reputation might be affected, Mrs. Ge wished she could swallow Gu Chongzhu alive.She gritted her teeth and said, "Go back to your room first, wake up the second girl, and bring her to receive family law tomorrow morning."

When the second lady heard this, her face turned blue, and she sat down on the ground slumped.

Only those who have made a big mistake will be subject to family law.Tie the person who made the mistake to a bench and beat him with a thick stick, at least ten sticks.

When being sentenced, all the masters of the Gu family would come to watch the sentence, so as to make an example to others.

Physical suffering is second to none. Once subject to the family law, she will never be able to raise her head in the Gu family.

She is a dignified second wife, how can she be insulted like this?Gu Chongzhu is even more Jiao Didi's young lady. Not to mention her body can't stand it, if she is beaten, how will she marry in the future?

"Old lady! All my mistakes are my fault. I didn't teach Sister Zhu well. Sister Zhu is still young. Please forgive her. I will take care of her family law!" The second lady cried Climbing to Mrs. Ge's feet, she begged: "I am willing to suffer for her no matter how many family laws there are. I beg you to forgive her."

"It's indeed your fault! If you hadn't indulged her first, how could she have made such a big mistake?" Mrs. Ge said heartbrokenly: "It's just that this family law must be invited. The Gu family is not just our second wife's Gu family, The Gu family of the long room. If I can't do this well, and the long room can't explain it to me, where do you want me to put my face?"

"Stop talking!" Mrs. Ge said to the eldest lady, "You go to the elder's room yourself and explain the matter clearly. Please come to An Rong Yuan tomorrow morning to watch the punishment."

"What the old lady said is very true. If you do this, even if it gets out, people will only say that the Gu family has strict laws, and there will be no other gossip."

Da Furen felt relieved for a while, and after complimenting Madam Ge for a few words, she went to the long room.

It was clearly still late in the afternoon (two o'clock in the afternoon), and the sun was shining warmly, but the whole Gu Mansion was shrouded in a gloomy air.

With tears in her eyes, the second lady used ice to cool Gu Chongzhu to extinguish the fire. After more than an hour, Gu Chongzhu finally woke up.

Finding herself lying under the quilt in her room, Gu Chongzhu was at a loss for a moment: "Mother, why am I at home?"

"You still have the guts to ask?" The second lady yelled angrily, "How could you do such a thing? The innocence of a girl's family is so important. I used to treat you like a child, but I didn't expect you to do such... ...things are coming."

She couldn't scold the words "shameless" to her own daughter.

The second lady's words made Gu Chongzhu sober suddenly. She drank alcohol, felt very hot, and had very absurd dreams.

She couldn't help but shiver.

She didn't frame Gu Chongzhi, but herself.

Then how will she meet people in the future?
The more Gu Chongzhu thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more she thought about it, the more terrified she became. She grabbed the second lady's arm and screamed: "It's Gu Chongzhi, she killed me, she killed me!"

"Mother, it was Gu Chongzhi who harmed me." Gu Chongzhu burst into tears and threw herself into the arms of the second wife: "It's that bitch Gu Chongzhi."

The second lady guessed that things were not easy from the very beginning. After hearing what Gu Chongzhu said, her face turned livid in an instant, and her voice was tense: "What's the use of crying? What's going on? You give it to me well." I'll make it clear."

"Yes..." Gu Chongzhu was so ashamed and indignant at the thought of doing such a shameful thing in front of all the ladies, she didn't care about anything else, and told the second lady the whole story.

At the end, she gritted her teeth with hatred: "Mother, you can't let that little bitch Gu Chongzhi go, she killed me!"


A heavy slap slapped her in the face with monstrous anger, Gu Chongzhu felt his eyes were staring and his ears were buzzing.

"Mother, what are you doing!"

Gu Chongzhu couldn't help being annoyed, and raised his head to question the second lady loudly.

The second lady's face was full of anger, and her eyes were full of regrets: "How could I give birth to such a fool as you! You want to design that little bitch, when you can't do it, you have to be in front of so many people. That little The slut is now recorded in my name, and she is also a descendant. Even if she is not a descendant, she is still a girl from the Gu family. If you do this, will you ruin the reputation of the entire Gu family girl? You want to deal with her , There are plenty of ways, how can you use this kind of stupid move that kills a thousand enemies and hurts yourself eight hundred?"

"Now you didn't plan to become a family, but ended up in a coquettish suit. You are so stupid!"

The second wife was so angry that her heart ached, and she poked Gu Chongzhu's forehead with her fingers resentfully.

Gu Chongzhu has grown up so big, and the second wife has never been willing to touch her finger. Today, the second wife beat and scolded her, and her hot temper also came up: "I have been wronged so much, not only did you not help me , but still beat me and scolded me, is there a mother like you?"

"You have suffered such a big loss, why don't I feel sorry for you?" The second lady sat slumped on the chair, and said with heartache: "How important is a girl's reputation, the mistakes you made today may be a stain on you for the rest of your life."

Gu Chongzhu knew that she was in the wrong and that the consequences were serious, but she didn't think it was her fault, instead she thought it was Gu Chongzhi's responsibility, she said bitterly: "It's fine if you don't want to help me clean up that little bitch, wait for me As a princess, there is naturally time to take care of her!"

"My son!" The second lady cried when she heard this: "How can you enter the palace for draft after you have done such a thing? Once such a thing gets out, your reputation and the face of the Gu family will all be wiped away." Yes. The old lady will not agree with you to go out for the draft."

"What did you say!" Gu Chongzhu was startled and angry: "I was framed by someone, why did the old lady not let me draft, why did she?"

The second lady, who wholeheartedly hoped that her daughter would fly on a branch and turn into a phoenix, was even more sad when she heard this. She put her arms around Gu Chongzhu and said, "Sister Zhu, you can't go to the draft. Too many people know what happened today. Once you enter Palace, one day what happened today will be exposed by others, and you will be in a situation where there is no redemption."

"No, no, no!" Gu Chongzhu blushed and shook her head again and again: "I want to enter the palace, I want to be a princess!"


Before the Second Madam could utter her dissuading words, Gu Chongzhu rolled her eyes and passed out.

"Sister Zhu!" The second lady exclaimed, only then did she realize that Gu Chongzhu's face was turning purple and her forehead was astonishingly hot.Could it be that the medicinal property has come up again?
The second madam was so frightened that her hands and feet were cold, and Nanny Sun stepped forward to touch Gu Chongzhu's forehead, and said, "Don't worry, madam, the medicine has dissipated. The second miss probably used too much ice just now, and now the coldness in her body is coming up. I'm afraid I have typhoid."

While the second lady breathed a sigh of relief, she also felt distressed and afraid, and ordered repeatedly: "Go and call the doctor, go and call the doctor!"

The imperial doctor cannot be invited, so the doctor from outside can only be called in as an emergency.

The maids went away in response, and after a while, a doctor was invited, who prescribed a prescription and boiled the medicine.

The second lady fed Gu Chongzhu, and she was so tired that she almost collapsed.

But as if she didn't know how tired she was, she said to Nanny Sun in a sinister manner, "Go to Lilac Garden."

Seeing the veins bursting on her forehead and her voice as cold as ice, Grandma Sun shuddered involuntarily.

The third miss is more ominous this time, and it is unknown whether she will survive or not!

And after Gu Chongyang came out of Anrongyuan, he went straight to the study of the outer courtyard to look for the fourth master.

The father and daughter stepped back and had a big fight in the study.

"...It was you who forced her to death, right?" Gu Chongyang's face was frighteningly pale, his beautiful eyes were filled with resentment, and he stared motionlessly at the fourth master's eyes: "You forced my mother to death, didn't you? "

The fourth master's face was livid, and he stared at her in shock: "What nonsense are you talking about again? Shen has an affair with Wu Dacheng, was caught in bed, so he committed suicide in fear of crime, what does it have to do with me? Where did you hear the nonsense, and put the shit bowl on my head?"

(End of this chapter)

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