Chapter 103 Slap
"You lied! You lied, you lied!" Gu Chongyang was furious, and said sharply, "My mother is a clean person, she has nothing to do with Wu Dacheng. You clearly know that Gu Zhanyun, that bastard, bullied her, yet you deliberately Make up such nonsense to slander her! What is your intention? How can you be worthy of her dedication to you for decades..."

The more Gu Chongyang said, the more ugly the fourth master's face became. He never thought that Gu Chongyang would know the truth of the matter.

"Shut up!" The fourth master yelled angrily, and slapped the big case: "Mr. Shen and Wu Dacheng committed adultery, and there are all the witnesses and material evidence. You, an unfilial daughter, are so disobedient. Not only did you speak rudely to contradict your father, but you also slandered yourself with nonsense. Uncle, you are simply insane!"

Gu Chongyang did not show any weakness. She opened her angry eyes and confronted the fourth master loudly: "It's you who are insane! It's the Gu family, that bastard Gu Zhanyun, and you, the fourth master!"

"That bastard Gu Zhanyun did something inferior to an animal. In order to cover it up for her, the Gu family promised you a high official and rich salary, a smooth career, and a smooth career!" Gu Chongyang complained through gritted teeth: "As a man, For the sake of official career glory, you are willing to endure such shame and humiliation, are you crazy or what?"

"Fourth Master!" Gu Chongyang suddenly said in one voice, "You are a son of a prominent family, two Jinshi scholars, you read books of sages and sages, you talk about benevolence and righteousness, but you keep your mouth shut about morality. How could you do such a thing that is inferior to pigs and dogs? Those are illiterate Webbs, butchers of pigs and dogs, and they also know the truth that husband and wife are one body, and the wife is humiliated and the husband is ashamed, how can you not know?"

She felt that something was wrong when the fourth master was promoted. It was she who had been deceiving herself and others. It was because she thought that even if her father changed his mind and forgot his original spouse because of having a stepmother, it was just a man's bad nature.She didn't want to believe that her father was a villain, but he broke her illusion time and time again.Her father is not only despicable, he can even sell his wife for glory.

Her heart was bleeding with pain, and her words became more and more stern: "I, Gu Chongyang, have never thought that my father is such a shameless person. Not only do you not stop others from shitting on your head , don’t resist, don’t go desperate with others, but slavishly say that others pull well, even bow down and open your mouth to pick it up, and say that shit is dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and its taste is endless..."


The Fourth Master, who had been silent all this time, came over suddenly and gave Gu Chongyang a slap in the face.

He never thought that one day someone would use such vulgar language to scold him, let alone that this person was actually the daughter he had held in his hands and loved for more than ten years.

He claimed to be a modest gentleman and a person of high moral character. Now that Gu Chongyang poked a sore spot, he naturally became angry from embarrassment. He wanted to refute, but found that what Gu Chongyang said was reasonable, and he had no way to refute it.

This fact made him fly into a rage, and slapped Gu Chongyang hard.

When a man in his prime is extremely angry, his strength can be imagined. He didn't try to control it. The force of this slap was so strong that Gu Chongyang threw himself to the ground.

When she fell, her temples hit the corners of the rosewood solid wood grand teacher's chair heavily. She only felt a rumble in her head, dizzy, and it took a long time to turn around.

His temples hurt throbbingly, and his mouth was filled with fishy sweetness.

Gu Chongyang spat out twice, only to realize that the corner of his mouth was broken and a lot of blood flowed out.

This is her father!Although she complained about her father in her previous life, she was still proud of her!Although she hated her father in this life, she still held hope!
However, it's all over.This slap wiped out all the friendship between father and daughter.

From today, he is no longer her father.Because he doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve it!

Gu Chongyang lay on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

Can't cry.

Gu Chongyang quickly wiped away his tears with his sleeve, gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

She raised her head without admitting defeat, and looked at the fourth master without flinching.

The fourth master's face was livid, and the beard on his lips was almost standing up because of his anger.He stared, pointed at her tremblingly, gritted his teeth and said, "You're crazy! You're talking nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense or are you fabricating the facts?" Gu Chongyang sneered coldly: "Where are the witnesses and physical evidence? Isn't the witness you are talking about Mother Wu? She is dead! There is no proof of death, so you dare to do this Slander my mother. Unfortunately, Wu Dacheng is still alive. Not only is he alive, but he also found me and told me the truth! You didn't expect it!"

"What did you say?" The fourth master's face changed drastically when he heard the words, as if he had been punched hard, he was panicked and unable to resist, the frightened look made Gu Chongyang's eyes flash with contempt.

This man is not worthy of his mother at all!

She sneered, turned around and walked out.

"Where are you going?" The fourth master insisted and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, others will not believe your words! They will only treat you as a lunatic, and no one will believe you."

Gu Chongyang was unmoved: "Then you can try it!"

The fourth master suddenly took a few steps forward, grabbed Gu Chongyang's arm tightly, and threatened her in a low voice: "If you talk nonsense, I will sue you for disobedience and send you to the nunnery to repair."

Gu Chongyang shook off his hand and replied with a cold smile.

The fourth master was in a hurry: "The nunnery is not a fun place. The old nuns there are so bad that they want you to eat leftovers every day. You can't eat enough to keep warm, and you can't finish the work..."

Seeing that the Fourth Master tried his best to scare her, Gu Chongyang couldn't help but turn her face away.Killing people is nothing more than a nod. In the last life, when I was forced to death, I was not as useless as him. It is ridiculous that the blood of such a person would flow on my body!
Without saying a word, Gu Chongyang strode outside.

It was already dark, and the servant was lighting a lamp.

The fourth master's angry voice came from behind: "You come back to me, I haven't let you go yet!"

Gu Chongyang didn't even look back, under the veranda, a few servants stretched out their heads and looked at the study curiously, the fourth master's voice suddenly became kind and helpless: "You child, the older you get, the more ignorant you become, that's all, that's all , children are debts.”

The hypocrisy made Gu Chongyang feel sick.

She didn't go back to Begonia Courtyard, but went to Lilac Courtyard.When something like this happened, the second wife might cause trouble for Gu Chongzhi, so she couldn't just sit idly by.

The gate of Lilac Courtyard had been closed, and the courtyard was quiet. Gu Chongyang asked the gatekeeper to open the gate, and went straight to the main room.

When Hong Ling and Xue Li heard the movement, they came out of the wing with red eyes.

"Why are you in the wing room? Third sister, isn't she at home?"

"Miss Si, you are here!" Hong Ling is impatient, and immediately said when they met: "Second Madam came here in the afternoon, beat and scolded our miss, and said that she would marry Fei Shirong. Miss After crying a lot, I locked myself up, and Sydney and I couldn't open the door anyway."

After hearing this, Gu Chongyang couldn't help but mention: "How long has it been?"

Hong Ling wiped her tears and said, "It's about time for a stick of incense."

"You guys are so confused!" Gu Chongyang stomped his feet, ran to the door and knocked on it while shouting, "Third Sister, it's me. I'm here to see you, please open the door."

No wonder she was so anxious, she clearly remembered that Gu Chongzhi said that she would rather die than marry Fei Shirong.

The Second Madam forced her so much, how could she know that she would not commit suicide?
Gu Chongyang yelled several times, her voice broke, and there was still no movement in the room. Her heart kept sinking, and an ominous premonition flooded her heart.

not good!I'm afraid the third sister is really in danger!

"Third sister, third sister!"

Gu Chongyang's voice was very anxious, Hong Ling and Xue Li also reacted, and they rushed to the door, crying and slapping the door knocker.

"Stop taking pictures!" Gu Chongyang said decisively: "Quickly, quickly open the door! Quickly!"

Hongling and Xueli woke up like a dream, and the women and servants guarding the gate all realized the seriousness of the matter. They picked up the rough wood in the yard and slammed on the door frantically.

Fortunately, the door of the Lilac Courtyard was not very strong, but the door of the main room was knocked open in just seven or eight blows. Gu Chongyang ran towards the inner room first, and when he lifted the curtain of the inner room, he saw Gu Chongzhi's body hanging in the air from the beam , She couldn't help being so frightened that her hands and feet went weak, and she fell to the ground.

Hongling and Xueli also rushed in, one screaming in shock, the other crying.

Several women rushed in, and immediately ran to Gu Chongzhi's side to put her down from the beam.

"Don't move, don't even move!" Gu Chongyang shouted, "Don't touch her!"

She is a doctor, and she has seen too many people who could have been saved but lost their lives because of improper treatment.

The servants and maidservants in this room are in chaos, only she can save the third sister.

Gu Chongyang suppressed all kinds of emotions in his heart and forced himself to get up from the ground.She quickly walked to Gu Chongzhi's side, and touched her pants with her hands. The tentacles were clean, and there was no feces or filth. She couldn't help but feel happy, there is still help!
She immediately pointed to the two strong men among the servants and said, "You two hold Miss San's legs and fix her so that she doesn't move. One of you should hold Miss San's butt tightly so that she can't let go of her yang energy. Don't vent."

"You two untie the rope! Keep your hands light and move quickly!"

"Hong Ling, prepare the knife!"

"Sydney, grab a live rooster right away, hurry up and bring it right away."

When the voice came true, Sydney Hongling went away in response. Although they didn't know what the use of these things was for Gu Chongyang, they knew that these things were very important for treating Gu Chongzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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