The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 201 She is the winner in life

Chapter 201 She is the winner in life

Shu Jin continued to bow her head and apologize to Su Jian: "I hope we can still be friends. It's not easy to live in the same dormitory for four years. I actually cherish this relationship."

The appearance of An Sheng attracted the attention of many people, and many people crowded in the corridor.

Shujin's cautiousness also attracted some people's attention.Another thing is the direction An Sheng is looking at, which is Shujin's side, and she has become the focus.

"An Sheng! An Sheng!"

The people in the corridor were shouting his name frantically, no matter men or women, for An Sheng, it started with talent, ended with good looks, and was obsessed with an indisputable temperament.

An Sheng nodded slightly at them, and walked directly to Shujin.

Shujin's heartbeat speeded up in vain, she only saw him on TV once in a while, she didn't want this man to be more exciting than standing in front of the camera.He just glanced at her, and she felt everything in the world, but his eyes stayed for a moment.

"Shujin, we finally met." An Sheng looked at her with a smile, and stretched out his hand, "Hi, I'm An Sheng."

The noisy corridors are eerily quiet.

Shujin was so nervous that she didn't know how to speak, "You... Hello, I'm Shujin."

"I know." An Sheng shook her hand, looked at her nervous appearance like a little woman, and was a little surprised that the person who could write those words had such a personality.

Perhaps this is the contrast, words are like people, and it has something to do with the author's personality, or the author himself wants to be that kind of person.

And this shy girl belongs to the latter.

Shujin gently shook his palm, leaving his warmth and touch.

The people in the corridor were shocked, An Sheng actually... actually shook Shujin's hand!And he said such meaningful words!
When An Sheng saw Su Jian, he felt familiar. He didn't think deeply about it, but just nodded at her.

Su Jian also returned him a polite smile.

After greeting Su Jian, An Sheng said to Shu Jin, "Come on."

"Okay! I will work hard!" Shujin didn't know what she was talking about. Every time she finished speaking, she would feel annoyed and hated that she couldn't speak.

Su Jian walked away unknowingly. Cen Xixi also didn't like this kind of noisy scene, so he plugged in his earphones, "Let's go to the auditorium, it's too noisy."

Seeing Cen Xixi's handsome back, An Sheng smiled unconsciously. This smile was incredible and took away the hearts of many people present.

Including book brocade.

An Sheng followed that handsome back and left without making a sound.

After An Sheng left in the quiet corridor, the frying pan was smooth, and the noise was overshadowed, and Shujin became surrounded by people.

For the first time in my life, I was noticed.

"Shujin, my God! You really know An Sheng! An Sheng came here this time to sign someone into the studio. Has he met you in private?"

"how did you guys meet?"

"He treats you very well, I have never seen him treat anyone so well, and he cheers for you!"

"You won't..."

"No." Shujin shook his head, "I'm not familiar with him, don't get me wrong, I have no personal contact with him, as for cooperation, he communicated with me before, I thought it was a scam call."

"I rely on!"

"I rely on! I rely on!"

They participated in the competition, on the one hand because of their love, on the other hand they definitely want to be seen by others. The championship is important, but the most important thing is to be appreciated. Shujin's luck is to be favored by An Sheng, who is very important in the music world, and there is also Plan to cooperate!

This is the real winner in life!

The host's sonorous voice came from the background: "Golden Autumn Lyrics Contest, four to three in the finals..."

(End of this chapter)

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