Chapter 202
There was thunderous applause at the scene, and most of the people watching the game came for An Sheng and other singers in the music world, so there were a lot of spectators.

Cen Xixi pulled Su Jian to sit in the VIP seat, the second row, the most conspicuous position, "I didn't expect Shujin to come here."

"She has strength." Su Jian just discussed the matter without any other meaning.

"That's right. I always thought her writing was pretty good." Cen Xixi was a little curious, "I haven't read her lyrics, have you?"

"No." If the editor-in-chief hadn't asked her to come here to catch up on the popularity of the competition, she would have no idea about the competition, except for the huge prize money, the sponsors, and the glory.

"Today's competition rule is to write questions on the spot and write lyrics on the spot, which is enough to see how deep a lyricist's skill is, and the program team is also quite ruthless."

Cen Xixi stroked his chin and said to himself: "I don't know if that kid can do it."

"Do you know someone?" Su Jian was surprised that someone like Cen Xixi, who can lie down but can't sit down, cares so much about the game. Hearing her words, she made a preliminary judgment.

Cen Xixi was rather disgusted, "My stepmother's son is also inside."

Cen Xixi's family is quite complicated, so Su Jian didn't ask too much.

"Mr. Cen still cares about your younger brother." The man's melodious voice was like moonlight flowing over the keys of the piano.

An Sheng came over at some point, and was next to Cen Xixi. He straightened his sleeves and collar, "With Mr. Cen's temperament, I thought he wouldn't come to this kind of event."

"An Sheng, you talk too much." Cen Xixi clasped his hands and crossed his legs, "I just accompanied my friend to collect information."

"Yeah, I know." An Sheng didn't tell the truth, "Mr. Cen, can you predict your brother's ranking?"

"I don't make any meaningless predictions." Cen Xixi paused, "Also, he's not my brother."

She suddenly turned her head and leaned into Su Jian's ear, "Your kind of younger brother is the younger brother, but it's a pity that the country does not wholesale."

Su Jian's smile gradually became hollow.

National wholesale boss, are you afraid that I won't die fast enough?

"Mr. Cen, there are some things that you can't just deny if you want to."

The audience in the audience suddenly applauded, covering An Sheng's voice, Cen Xixi didn't hear it, An Sheng tilted his head, watching her leaning over to talk to the person next to him.

An Sheng paid more attention to Su Jian, and occasionally remembered that he had actually met him. He had interviewed him and wrote an exclusive interview about him. He had read it and it was very good.

"The theme of this competition is love. Love, family affection, and friendship are all acceptable. The time is twelve hours..." The host reported the theme and rules of the competition.

This kind of competition is actually very difficult to have spectators, because the time is too long and boring, and those spectators are coming for idols.

The contestants return to a super large hall to create, and the stage is the performance time of those influential figures in the music world. After the performances, there will be a special lounge for the performers.

After watching the performance, she fell asleep, and Cen Xixi yawned and got up, "Let's go."

"Mr. Cen, it's up to me to perform, why don't you stay and watch?" An Sheng looked at her with a smile.

"Not interested." Cen Xixi glanced at his painted face, "It looks like a ghost, it's off-putting."

An Sheng raised his hand and rubbed the foundation on his face, feeling a little sad, "Mr. Cen once said that my face is the biggest weapon."

"..." Cen Xixi sat down and said to Su Jian, "We'll go to rest after the artists from our company finish their performance."

"Well, good." Su Jian nodded her head, not distracted, let alone distracted.

 There is another one during the day

(End of this chapter)

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