The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 203 Gratitude to those who hurt her, innuendo

Chapter 203 Gratitude to those who hurt her, innuendo

Cen Xixi propped his chin, abruptly finished watching An Sheng's performance before going to the lounge.

When she got up, the man standing on the stage to thank her saw her and smiled silently, which surprised countless audiences.

Twelve hours later—

All the lyrics of the contestants came out, and all four copies of the lyrics were displayed on the big screen. In addition, every judge and teacher had a copy in front of them.

One vote from the judges is worth [-] votes from the public judges in the audience seats. There are ten judges in total. In fact, the judges are the key to the contestant's victory.

When Shujin's lyrics were released, everyone was discussing her lyrics enthusiastically, which was very popular with the audience. The judges were all big names in the field of lyrics. When they saw Shujin's lyrics "You", they nodded , not too surprising.

Shujin's words are beautiful enough, but the content is very simple and full of emotion, but not competitive enough.

It was also the first time Su Jian saw Shujin's words, she said, "Not bad."

"It's not bad, but it's still not enough to win the championship." Cen Xixi said impartially and objectively, but that cheap brother has great potential.

The judges in the jury made corresponding comments on Shujin's words, beautiful but not enough.

After hearing the comments, Shu Jin humbly accepted the judges' suggestions, which made the judges' impression of her a bit better. The lyrics are good, but if this is her highest level, the plasticity is still a little bit worse.

The rankings of the four finalists and the three finalists of the Golden Autumn Lyricist Contest were announced, No. 1 Cen Xiyan, a little-known kid.

At this stage of the competition, no one will be inferior in strength, it depends on whether you can win the hearts of the judges.

Shujin narrowly squeezed into the championship with No.3.

"Golden Autumn Lyrics Contest, top three, No.3 book brocade, No.2..."

The host was emotional when he read No.1. Compared with No.3 Shujin, No.1 received more attention than No.3, and the Shujin standing on the farthest side instantly lost its light.

Host: "Wenmo Jinxiu, what do you want to tell everyone now?"

When Shu Jin was mentioned by name, with tears in her eyes, she thanked all the judges and teachers who supported her, and she was very clever in not mentioning An Sheng, because she didn't want An Sheng to think that she was joking around. Uneasy kindness.

At the end, she choked up a little: "I didn't expect that I could get here, let alone that I would embark on the road of a lyricist. I was just cornered by some people. But I am grateful to those who have hurt me. People, because of them I was able to come here, I was able to leave everything behind and force myself to work hard, I am very grateful to them."

At the end, she moved the microphone away, handed it to the host, and turned her back. From the way she raised her hand, she probably knew that she was wiping tears.

It is not difficult for the audience to hear that she has been hurt before, so they sympathize with this girl.

Cen Xixi bit her lips, "Why does it feel like she's talking about us?"

Su Jian looked indifferent, indifferent to Shujin's words, got up and was about to leave, "The information collection is complete."

Cen Xixi: "Together."

After An Sheng saw Cen Xixi leave, he got up and left the table without any interest.

This song's lyrics are far from Shujin's previous style, as if it was written by two people, and it's not like Cang Haixiaoxiao's style of lyrics.

Such words are easy to please the public and some judges, but in An Sheng's eyes, they are pretending to be painful and showing off their feelings, which makes him uncomfortable. Cang Haixiaoxiao would not have such a style of words.

After it was over, Shujin ran off the stage, chasing after the man in the direction he left.

She suddenly didn't care so much about the applause of those people, she only cared about An Sheng's thoughts.

 Let me know that this book will be released on the 25th next Friday, and you will be charged when it is released. Thirty chapters will be updated.

  The first order is very important. It is related to how many updates and recommendations I will have. I know that there are a bunch of free coins and various free coupons, and there are all kinds of free ones.

  The author stays up late to code words just for money, not for love to generate electricity, so much to say, the author gradually loses enthusiasm.


(End of this chapter)

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