The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 213 Her birthday is also his 8th birthday

Chapter 213 Her birthday is also his birthday
Ji Shizhou went up to the balcony and saw her paddling the snow with her feet, holding a phone in her hand, not knowing who to call.

He stood there, not approaching, standing far away.

The ringing of the phone in her pocket caught her attention, she looked back, her eyes seemed to be shining like stars, she smiled at him, and continued talking on the phone.

"Saturday is fine." Su Jian was talking on the phone with her high school friends, and she was going to get together on Saturday, "Well, be there on time."

After hanging up the phone, she walked over with snow foam on her hair. At this moment, the fireworks exploded, deafening.

"What are your New Year's resolutions?" she asked.

The fireworks of the New Year's Eve are dazzling, and the young man's eyes deeply interpret the person standing beside him, the eyes are focused and deep.

After contemplating for too long, Su Jian couldn't stay still, "Say, what will happen if we stay in this moment?"

Ji Shizhou was silent.

Su Jian: "I will go to the hospital."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian, who was too cold to bear, went back.

Years later is to visit relatives, her birthday happens to be after the year, and Saturday is her birthday.


After Su Jian changed her clothes and went out, Ms. Zeng said, "Today is your birthday, where are you going?"

"Student reunion, don't help me celebrate my birthday, I can't pass it." She is extremely sensitive to age now, once a year is lost.

"That's fine, I'll tell your uncle and aunt." Ms. Zeng transferred 2000 yuan to her casually, "When friends go out to play, don't let people spend money all the time."

"Okay, I'm leaving." The call was urgent, Su Jian put on Martin boots, wrapped in a cotton coat and scarf and hurried out.

Another time, Su Baichuan discussed with his wife to go out to live a two-person world.

"Jian Jian doesn't plan to celebrate her birthday, she's going out to have a party with her friends." Su Baichuan glanced at Ji Shizhou, "I'll go out with your mother for two days, and we will go back to the company in a while, so we won't have the chance to go out alone .”


Ji Shizhou nodded, got up and went to the room, opened the cabinet, and there was a box lying in it, he took it out, looked at it and threw it into the trash can.

Walking to the door, he stopped, picked up the box again, put it back in the drawer, and closed the drawer. As the drawer closed, his eyes dimmed.

She forgot.

At 08:30 in the evening, she has not come back yet.

He took his coat and went out.

When I called, my voice was cold and cold: "08:30, are you still planning to come back?"

Su Jian, who was already dizzy from drinking, lay on the sofa: "I...I might...not reply..."

She said it was not her birthday. Her high school roommates and some friends with better relationships arranged behind her back and arranged birthday surprises for her. At this time, the friendship shown by her roommates to her is impossible without drinking, and there is no limit to alcohol Su Jian drank so much that he didn't know where to go.


"Where is it?" Su Jian struggled to get up, trying to recall, "Just...probably...Jin...what restaurant..."

"Jinliang Restaurant." Someone reminded me.

"Yes, Jin's restaurant..." She opened the door, went out to breathe, fumbled to the public washbasin, supported the washbasin, and felt dizzy for a while.

What was going on in her mind was intermittent, and her stomach felt a little uncomfortable. She supported the sink and saw that everything was turning, her legs were very weak and limp.

"Su Jane."

When Su Jian heard someone calling her, she turned around in a daze. A figure kept approaching her. The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her over.

Her body leaned towards him and stuck to him, the young man's body froze, his breathing sank a bit, and when he lowered his head, he could see her slightly pursed lips, which were painted with lipstick, and the color was gorgeous.

he thinks……

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(End of this chapter)

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