The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 214 Su Huai Came to Pick Her Up

Chapter 214 Su Huai Came to Pick Her Up
As soon as her body softened, she leaned towards him and stuck to him. The boy's body froze, and his breathing sank a little. When he lowered his head, he could see her slightly pursed lips, which were painted with lipstick, and the color was gorgeous.

The strong smell of alcohol was constantly passing by, and he could clearly feel the smell mixed in her breath.

"A girl... I've said it several times, and you still drink like this?" Ji Shizhou's eyes were thick, and he felt trembling just by looking at it.

"It's not one girl, it's several." Su Jian counted with her fingers, and the count became messy at the end.

Her eyelids were sagging, and she couldn't open them. She must have drank a lot of wine. She tried her best to see who was holding her tightly.

"Still sophistry?" Ji Shizhou frowned, and grabbed her wrist, "You can't drink so much, I told you several times, you can't drink outside alone."

"Just... just once..." Nonsense!
Su Jian squinted her eyes, staggered away, pushed his body, "Don't stop me, I'm going back."

"Where else are you planning to go?" He brought her back and held her arm.

this sound...

More and more like her lifeblood.

Su Jian felt that the voice was a little familiar, and her mind was shaking violently, "Who are come the more you look at it, the more you look familiar..."

After staring for a long time, nothing came out.

"Who?" Ji Shizhou also asked her, his voice was very cold, "What do you think?"

"I'm short-sighted, so I can't see clearly, forget it." Su Jian pushed him and waved her hands irritably, "I...I'm leaving..."

Forget it, this drunkard, once he drinks, he will disown his relatives.

He had no choice but to admit defeat, he had nothing to do with her.

Ji Shizhou's eyes were cold, he twisted her wrist, and pulled her into his arms, "Let's go home."

The woman in her arms raised her eyes, her eyelids drooping, "Going home...Impossible, I'm a clever little ghost, don't try to trick me into going home with you and being your wife."

Bad guy, trying to trick me into going home to be my wife, it's impossible!

Men are big trotters!

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian pushed him, but couldn't push him, and moved her body agitatedly, groping towards the wall, Ji Shizhou let her lean against the wall, but didn't let go, lest she slip and fall to the ground.

"Let me tell you..." Su Jian pointed at his nose, "I have never served anyone in my life."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

"Let me tell you, I really didn't pass anyone in my life, I only supported the wall." While talking, he supported the wall and stood firm.

"Okay, you just support the wall." Ji Shizhou followed her, and he responded to whatever he said.

"Who the hell are you?" She threatened, "Don't say I'll kill you!"

She jumped up, hooked the boy's neck, tiptoed, and leaned up, trying to see what he looked like.

Ji Shizhou's hand moved from his arm to her waist, and gently pressed against her to prevent her from slipping from his arms. The moment she leaned closer, the hand on her waist unconsciously increased his strength.

"Su Huai." He said.

"Su Huai?" Su Jian shook her head, "No, you are my lifeline."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

I don't know what she's talking about, the thinking ability of a drunk person should not use ordinary people's thinking.

She put her arms around his neck, leaned forward with her body strength, hung on his body, raised her head, rested her toes, and approached his face, "It's really... It's my life."

Every time she said a word, her breath entered his nostrils.

Her bosom and breath are all the smell of her body.

The smell of alcohol is mixed with a faint fragrance.

Because of drunkenness, her body was weak and she couldn't even stand upright. Her head suddenly knocked down, and her lips fell on the young man's jaw.

 One more update, haha
(End of this chapter)

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