The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 433 You Don't Love Me Anymore!

Chapter 433 You Don't Love Me Anymore!
Someone downstairs honked the horn, and Su Jian, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, turned off the sound of the TV, "What did you hear?"

Hearing this, Ji Shizhou got up and drew the curtains, opened the window, and looked downstairs.

Downstairs, Su Weiwei and others came out of the car with a lot of things in their hands. He closed the window, drew the curtains, and was about to tell Su Jian that they were back, "They..."

"Sister Jian Jian, they're back!" Su Zhi'an, who was doing homework in the room, ran out, "I'll go down and pick them up!"

Su Zhi'an ran out the door, the sound of her footsteps fading away.

Su Jian also got up from the sofa and walked out the door, "I'll go down and have a look too."

Ji Shizhou looked at the empty living room, stood there for a while, stretched his legs, and walked out. Before he went downstairs, he stood at the door, waiting for them to come up.

Su Jian had already arrived and met them.

"Jane!" It was my aunt who spoke.

Li Zhen'er was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Su Jian coming down. She looked at Su Jian and liked it more and more, "Just now I heard from your mother that you are back. I am still very happy to see you."

Su Jian and her uncle's family haven't seen each other for a long time. Except for the holidays, they basically don't see each other. Although Su Zhi'an stays in City C to go to school and often hangs out with Su Wei Er, she is not alone.

Li Zhen'er stepped forward and gave Su Jian a hug, "Let me see, the longer she grows, the more she looks like your mother, a typical beauty."

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Su Jian looked at her aunt and praised her: "My aunt is getting younger and younger."

"Haha." Women love beauty and are praised for being young. The aunt is very happy, "It's like honey has been wiped on the mouth, just say something that makes people happy."

Let go of the little aunt, and there is another person in Su Jian's arms. Su Erwei hugged her and rubbed against her, "Sister, I miss you."

Su Jian patted her on the back, "The smell of disinfectant is all over me."

"Just rubbing against you." Su Erke rubbed her clothes vigorously, looking at her affectionately, "I miss you, and my bank card also misses you."

"Let it think about it." Su Jian said sympathetically, "That is destined to be a fruitless unrequited love, and I can't return it with the same kind of longing."

Su Erwei looked at her pitifully, "Sister, you don't love me anymore."

"Yes." Su Jian nodded.

Su Weiwei: "..."

Su Zhi'an walked up to Su Erwei's side, tugged at her hand, and said in a low voice, "Sister Weiwei, she doesn't love you, I always love you!"

While Su Erwei was deeply moved, she felt a little regretful. She wanted her sister to love her bank card even more. She put her hand on Su Zhian's shoulder, "The love she gave me is different from yours."

"What's the difference?" Su Zhi'an curled her lips in displeasure.

Su Weiwei: "It's different anyway."

One receives money and one spends money, can it be the same?

The elder sister often gives her money, and the younger brother needs to spend money for him often. After all, it is better to have an older sister.

Zeng Mengyi was more rational and called out to the children: "It's cold, don't stand here, go upstairs first."

Su Baichuan parked his car and came over, saw Su Jian, "Jian Jian is back, this year is lively again."

Su Jian looked behind her, but she didn't see Ji Shizhou. When the uncle and aunt saw Ji Shizhou, that would be the real excitement.

The little aunt pulled Su Zhi'an, "Don't blow the wind here, go up first."

"it is good."

Everyone went up together, talking and laughing, and when they reached the stairs, a shadow fell on the stairs, and the light shone from behind him, making the shadow a little longer.

His shadow landed on Su Jian's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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