Chapter 434 A scene of warmth

Looking at the shadow, the aunt suddenly raised her head and saw Ji Shizhou standing on the corridor, she was shocked, "Xiao Huai!"

Hearing this, Su Baichuan and Zeng Mengyi looked at the aunt one after another, "Are you dazzled again?"

These years, Li Zhen'er missed Su Huai, and often called his name inexplicably. Su Baichuan once thought that his wife's mental state was a problem, but went to the hospital for an examination, and there was nothing wrong.

Probably miss Su Huai too much.

When they got to the entrance of the corridor and saw Ji Shizhou, they were equally astonished, "Xiao Huai!"

"Brother!" Su Erwei ran up excitedly, with long strides.

Su Jian called her immediately: "Su Erwei, run slower!"

The uncle and the aunt stood there in shock, looking at the person standing at the exit of the stairs at the door. His facial features have not changed much, but they have grown into a man with wider shoulders and taller.

He was wearing a coat, slender, and indifferent. This Ji Shizhou gave people the feeling that he was too distant, and he was even more difficult to approach than the boy three years ago.

"Xiao Huai?" The aunt called again in a low voice, her voice trembling because of restraint, she pointed at Ji Shizhou and asked Su Jian: "Is he?"

Obviously I have seen it, but I am not sure, probably because I have been disappointed too many times, and I thought I was hallucinating, so I dare not expect extravagantly, fearing that I will be disappointed again.

"En." Su Jian nodded, and said seriously: "It's Su Huai, he's back."

She encouraged her aunt: "Auntie, just go up and give him a hug and you'll know."

Li Zhen'er didn't dare to go up, fearing that it was a phantom. If she wanted to watch from such a distance, even if it was a phantom, she would have to watch for a while longer.

"Brother!" Su Huai had already climbed up and threw himself into Ji Shizhou's arms, "Brother! You're back! You're really back!"

Being hugged like this, Ji Shizhou's body became a little stiff. He raised his stiff hand, placed it on the back of Su Weiwei's head, and rubbed her hair, "Well, it's me."

"Brother! Brother!" Su Weiwei yelled twice more, looking up at him, "It's really my brother!"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Weiwei let go of him, his eyes lit up, "You came back with sister?"

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, conniving towards Su Weiwei.The Su family gave him family affection that he didn't have, and gave him warmth.

"The first thing you do when you come back is to find your sister, you still pay more attention to her." Su Weiwei smiled meaningfully, "Brother, don't you?"

Su Weiwei dug a hole, which was so big that anyone with eyes could see it. If Ji Shizhou fell into the hole, he had entered the hole voluntarily.

Ji Shizhou didn't answer, but looked at Su Jian who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Auntie, go up and give him a hug." Su Jian encouraged the little aunt and pulled her up.

Li Zhen'er walked up step by step, getting closer and closer to him, her heart beating faster and faster, seeing his tough outline, her eyes were red.

When she arrived in front of him, she called softly, "Xiao Huai."

Seeing the woman's red eyes, Ji Shizhou was slightly taken aback, and then called her softly: "Mom."

This "Mom" made Li Zhen'er cry, and her controlled emotions broke out at this moment, she suddenly stepped forward and put her arms around Ji Shizhou, because she was no taller than him, she hugged his waist.

"You... finally came back, I thought I would never see you again in this life, I..." Her words choked, tears fell from her eyes, and her makeup was all worn out.

Li Zhen'er is a delicate woman, she never allowed her makeup to be wasted, and she completely ignored it at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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