Chapter 435 He's Back
Ji Shizhou was hugged by her, looked down at the woman in his arms, and didn't know how to comfort him, "Mom, I'm back."

I'm back, back to this warm home, no longer eating alone, sleeping alone, and going to work alone.

This woman gave him a home and a family.

Li Zhen'er let go of him, wiped away tears, and smiled, "How long has it been? Are you hungry?"

"I've eaten, I'm not hungry." Ji Shizhou said.

Zeng Mengyi came up with his uncle, who patted Ji Shizhou on the shoulder, "Just come back, no matter who you are or what your name is, this will always be your home, and we will always be your family."

"Yes." Ji Shizhou nodded and called them, "Dad, Aunt Zeng."

Zeng Mengyi smiled and nodded, "It's good to be back."

"Go into the house first, it's cold outside." The aunt pulled Ji Shizhou into the house, holding his hand tightly, "Are you cold?"

"It's not cold," he said.

The aunt looked at Su Zhi'an, who was holding Su Er, "This is your younger brother, Zhi'an, 13 years old."

"I know." Ji Shizhou said, "Su Jian told me."

"Zhi'an, this is the brother I always tell you, call him brother." Li Zhen'er pulled Su Zhi'an over and asked him to call him Ji Shizhou.

Su Zhi'an called him obediently: "Brother."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou responded, he is not a person with five senses, he feels like a family member, which is very good, but he doesn't like words, and he doesn't talk too much.

"I'll cook." Li Zhen'er had already put on an apron and went to the kitchen.

Su Jian and Ji Shizhou had already eaten, but they had just returned from the hospital and hadn't eaten yet.

Zeng Mengyi also went to help. The two women in the kitchen were busy, but they were also very happy, and the smiles on their faces never disappeared.

Su Jian also went to help, and the aunt pushed her out of the kitchen: "Don't move, we will do it, you and Xiao Huai have a good chat, don't squeeze here."

Su Jian, who was pushed out of the kitchen, returned to the living room.

Ji Shizhou was chatting with my uncle, but she couldn't intervene, so she asked Su Zhi'an, "Don't you do your homework?"

"I don't want to write." Su Zhian and Su Weiwei were playing cards, "Sister Jian Jian, can you help me write?"

"Your head teacher and I are high school classmates." Su Jian threatened calmly.

Su Zhi'an, who was playing cards, was stunned, and the cards in his hand were taken away by Su Weiwei, "Hurry up and do your homework, Miss Beware told your class teacher that you want someone to help you with your homework."

"I was wrong." Su Zhi'an silently got up and went to the room to do her homework, "Sister Weiwei, you taught me to do my homework. There is a problem that I can't solve."

"Sister, teach him." Su Weiwei sat on the sofa lazily, not wanting to move.

"Okay." Su Jian led Su Zhi'an into the room, opened the exercise book he put on the desk, glanced at it, and gave him an idea to solve the problem, "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Su Zhi'an buried herself in her homework, and still wanted sister Weiwei to teach him, and sister Weiwei was more patient.

"Write well."

Su Jian went out and closed the door behind her.

I heard my uncle chatting with Ji Shizhou about the crisis that occurred in the company two years ago.

When the uncle talked about what happened back then, he also sighed for a while. He thought of the person who secretly helped him, and smiled, "Back then, I was ready to go bankrupt, and someone helped me secretly. This person was you Bar?"

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded without denying, "It's a small matter."

"It's a small thing for you, but for me it's the most worth remembering for the rest of my life." When the uncle mentioned this, his eyes were full of pride, "Boy, you've learned a lot."

"What's so good about it?" Xiaoshi came out with the dishes and interjected.

(End of this chapter)

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