Chapter 467 A Familiar Man

The phone issued a low battery alarm, but Su Jian didn't hear what he said clearly, "I'm going to charge it, what did you just say?"

"It's okay." Ji Shizhou later said something to tell her to drive carefully.

The two chatted one after another, mostly she was asking questions, and he answered, and finally Su Jian turned on her mobile phone, and she was cooking on the sidelines.

She didn't hear anyone talking, so Su Jian thought she had hung up and concentrated on cooking. When she was done cooking, she found that the phone was still connected.

She picked up the phone and called out, "Su Huai?"


always there!

Su Jian thought that the other party forgot to hang up the phone, "Why didn't you hang up?"

He said, "You didn't hang up."

Su Jian said coldly: "I didn't hang up the phone, you can hang up." Shit!damn thing!My phone bill!

"Then I'll hang up." She hung up the phone, trying to save a few cents on the phone bill, "Goodbye."

Goodbye, dog.

Ji Shizhou, who was hung up, looked at the screen until the screen went dark before he got up to take a shower.


On Tuesday, Su Jian and Xu Mo went out to work.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, full of potholes, and the road is getting steeper and steeper. Because of insufficient funds, the road was only half repaired and then stopped. Their car can only be parked in this place, and the rest can only be passed by them.

Su Jian took some photos while walking.

The mountains are relatively backward, the Internet has not yet been popularized here, and it is deep in the mountains, the mobile phone signal is not good, and sometimes there is no signal.

When the village chief heard that someone was coming, he climbed over the mountains and came here to pick them up.

When Su Jian and other reporters arrived, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. It was very late, and she was tired and hungry.

Xu Mo prepared his own dry food, walked into Su Jian's room in the middle of the night, and gave her all the snacks in the bag, "Master, it's the first time I've been to such a poor place, and it's the first time I feel that it's shameful to waste it."

The place is too remote and backward, and the transportation is inconvenient. Naturally, there is no way to develop it. The rice they grow is not willing to eat by themselves. The transportation is inconvenient. If they want to sell it, they have to walk a long mountain road with this rice on their backs, and they can't get it all at once. how much to go out.

Seeing such a poor mountainous area, Xu Mo suddenly felt that he was living a very happy life.

The village head made dinner and asked them to go out to eat.

The others glanced at it, and some couldn't eat it.

Su Jian took a bowl and stuffed it into her mouth. Even though it was really not tasty, she ate it with a blank expression, she was still the same cold and cheerless Su Jian.

Xu Mo saw that his senior had eaten it all, so he stuffed it into his mouth while carrying it.

The village head was a little ashamed, "I'm sorry, it's too late to disturb other people, you just have to eat, I'll get some food tomorrow."

Someone came in from outside, and every household in the village would give something to the village head, who would use it to entertain guests. It was too late today, everyone was almost asleep, and the village head was embarrassed to disturb.

Su Jian said, "It doesn't matter."

After quickly finishing the meal in the bowl, Su Jian tidied up and fell asleep.


The next day, at dawn, the village chief took them to school.

The school has just been built, very new, and the facilities are very complete. This school is somewhat inconsistent with this backward mountainous area.

The village chief said: "Someone has already been here. They have built a school, and they have brought a lot of new textbooks over the past few days."

The people that the village head mentioned should be those who care about the society.

Su Jian asked, "Who are they?"

"Here we are." The village head pointed to the man in the basketball court, "He's there, I'll take you there, you guys get to know him."

The man was playing football with a group of children. From the back, Su Jian felt familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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