The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 468 The Man Shakes His Hands: Hello, I'm Xu Chengyi

Chapter 468 The Man Shakes His Hands: Hello, I'm Xu Chengyi

The village chief led them in, pointed at the man who was playing football with the children, "Mr. Xu, just brought a batch of new textbooks over."

Xu Mo was taking pictures with the other two reporters. Those children looked very happy. Because of the environment, they were dark, no more than those girls and boys who didn't touch their fingers.

Su Jian's eyes narrowed slightly, Mr. Xu?
That Mr. Xu from the orphanage?
Because of the deepening of myopia, she couldn't see very clearly through the glasses, but judging from the figure and the general appearance of the entire face, it overlapped with the figure of Mr. Xu in the impression.

The village chief walked over and called out, "Mr. Xu."

The man who played football with the children took the overcoat that was on the ground and put it on, took a sip of water, and walked over slowly.

As he got closer, Su Jian could see his facial features clearly. It was really the Mr. Xu whom he had seen in the orphanage.

Such a coincidence?
There was fine sweat on the man's face after exercising. He took out a square scarf from the pocket of his coat and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His every move showed the man's excellent upbringing and family background.

He wiped his hand with a handkerchief, reached out to shake Xu Mo's hand, "Hello."

Xu Mo nodded, "Hi, I'm Xu Mo."

The man stretched out his hand in front of Su Jian and said, "Hi, my surname is Xu, just call me Xu Chengyi."

Su Jian stretched out her hand and shook hands politely, "Hello."

He doesn't seem to remember her.

Other reporters began to chat with Mr. Xu. This time he brought some new textbooks. He has put a lot of thought into education, but he doesn't have that much ability in transportation.

To improve transportation, many people need to pay attention to this village, participate in this plan, invest enough funds, and only half of the road can be repaired before restarting.

Because it is too rugged and cost a lot of money, some places need to build bridges, and there is no way to improve this road with only a few people.

Mr. Xu hoped that not only people in the society would pay attention to this village, but also that the country would also pay attention to this backward mountainous area.

After the interview with Mr. Xu, the village head took them to the principal. The principal was very happy to introduce the situation of the school to them. There are about [-] students in each class. The desks are all new, thanks to the donations from social caring people. , The educational environment is not as difficult as imagined.

The principal introduced the teachers of the school to them. There is a volunteer teacher from a big city who has been here for five years.

In addition to this beautiful teacher who officially graduated from college, there are some teachers who have only read high school, and some have only read junior high school.

There is a shortage of teacher resources, but those who have graduated from universities, who are willing to come to this kind of place, even those who have graduated from middle and high schools, are not willing to come in, because the salary is too low.

"I'll take you to meet this teacher." Knowing that they were reporters, the principal was a little excited, and their reports would draw more attention to the school.

"Thank you, Headmaster."

"Should be, should be!" The principal said repeatedly.

Su Jian was afraid that they would not disturb their class, so she said that she could wait and go to look elsewhere, and the principal led them around.

The principal introduced them: "This is Mr. Xu, who often brings new textbooks to the children."

They say they know.

"Mr. Xu, how long have you been here? Where do you live now?" Xu Mo, also surnamed Xu, was very curious about this Mr. Xu.

"It's only been a few days since I arrived." Mr. Xu paused, "I'm staying at the principal's house now."

The principal nodded again and again, "Yes, Mr. Xu lives in my house."

Su Jian looked at the man, and he turned to meet her.

(End of this chapter)

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