The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 479 Meeting the Rival in Love, Extremely Jealous

Chapter 479 Meeting the Rival in Love, Extremely Jealous
Su Jian: Hehe!
"Sorry, you can't go in."

"Sorry, wait a moment."

There was some noise at the door, Su Jian looked towards the door, "What's going on?"

"I'll go out and have a look." Ji Shizhou got up and went out, walked to the door, opened the door of the ward, and saw two men standing at the door.

They were talking, probably because someone wanted to go in, but Xu Mo refused to let him in.

The person here is Su Jian's boss, Sheng Xun. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he stopped talking to Xu Mo, who was so stubborn, and looked in the direction of the ward.

He only saw Ji Shizhou come out of the ward, and closed the door of the ward casually. He saw the man standing at the door and nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Su Huai." He came quickly, Sheng Xun smiled lightly, "You're here."

"Hmm." Ji Shizhou finally looked at him directly, "To see Jian Jian?"

That strangely silent and cold boy has indeed changed a lot, not only his appearance, but also his personality. Although he is as gloomy and withdrawn as before, he lacks the childishness of his youth, and his words and deeds are as deep as ink, which makes people Can't see through.

He no longer hides the ambition in his eyes, the ambition that Su Jian is bound to win.

"I rushed over when I received the news. I wanted to go in and see her." Sheng Xun has always disliked Su Huai, at least he really liked Su Jian for three years, and it's hard to like another person at his age. If you like it, you won't let it go easily.

He is a gentleman, just the gentleman that those people see, he also has the things and people he wants.

"She's fine. I've already checked her, she has a skin injury." Ji Shizhou spoke lightly and casually, even if he didn't say much, it always gave people infinite reverie.

"The medical equipment in this hospital is very complete and advanced. If the hospital says it's fine, then it's fine." Sheng Xun subtly changed the concept, completely ignoring Ji Shizhou's "I've checked" .

No matter how Ji Shizhou checked, it was impossible to be more accurate than the medical equipment in the hospital. This is what Sheng Xun was talking about.

Xu Mo sensed the undercurrent between the two of them, and said, "Boss, senior is really fine. Su Huai just came out of it, and he knows it best. If he says he's fine, he's fine."

Xu Good Man Mo thought: I must help my senior to protect the person she cares most about, little brother Su Huai.

"It's good that she's fine." Hearing that she's fine is a good thing, Sheng Xun felt that there was no need to dwell on this topic, "I'll go in and have a look."

"En." Ji Shizhou nodded, "Thank you."

"You don't have to be so polite. I'm her boss, so I should care about my employees."

Ji Shizhou's body was tilted, Sheng Xun walked past him and rubbed against Ji Shizhou's shoulder.

Ji Shizhou lowered his eyes, looked at the shoulder he rubbed against, raised his hand to dust off the non-existent dust, and followed inside.

When Xu Mo saw Ji Shizhou's actions, he had an expression that I already knew. It wasn't the first day he knew about Su Huai's cleanliness, but it wasn't serious enough to wipe his clothes when someone touched him.

Two patients next door dragged their bodies over, "Xu Mo, where's Su Jian? Are you awake?"

"Wake up." Xu Mo pointed to the ward, "The boss is in there too?"

"What is it called?"

"The boss is here?"

The colleague didn't quite understand Xu Mo's words, "Is there anyone else in there? Su Jian's family?"

Xu Mo thought about it, "Strictly speaking, it's her family."

"That's a good thing, let's go in and have a look." The two were about to go in when Xu Mo stopped them.

Xu Mo said, "Wait."

The two walked towards the door of the ward, approached the door, and heard the voices of two men inside.

(End of this chapter)

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