Chapter 480

"Lie down and don't move."

"I'll come and have a look, don't move around, be careful of the wound."

The two sentences are similar, but they are spoken by different people and have different tastes.However, it can be divided into these two sentences as soon as they are heard.

Su Jian who just wanted to change her position and continue lying down: "..."

"Boss, why are you here?" A big boss of a company came to see her in person, and he would definitely give him some face, "Isn't the company very busy?"

"The things in the company are never over." Sheng Xun felt his heart ache when he saw Su Jian's injuries all over his body, "But there is only one person, and there is no comparison with you."

Sheng Xun has made no secret of what he said, and he doesn't know why he said such a thing. He is not an impulsive person, nor is he the kind of man who can speak quickly.

He knew exactly who this sentence was for.

On the one hand, he found it ridiculous that a man in his 30s had such a childish side.

"Of course, life is priceless." Su Jian took this sentence naturally, it was not related to ambiguity, the boss is here, we have to keep ourselves clean and take good care of our feathers.

"Su Huai, pour a glass of water for the boss." The commanding tone was familiar, not like the politeness towards Sheng Xun.

Hearing this, Ji Shizhou went to pour a glass of water and handed it to Sheng Xun, "Thank you for coming."

This Su Huai, who pretended to be unfamiliar and generous like a master, surprised Sheng Xun. After all, that young man's feelings were terrifyingly exclusive and extremely paranoid.

Sheng Xun also emphasized again and again: "Su Jian is an employee of our company, and it is my responsibility for me to visit her."

"I know, you are a good boss who loves his subordinates." Su Jian took the words calmly.

Looking at her scratched face, Sheng Xun felt uncomfortable, "I'm sorry, if I hadn't asked you to take this task, you wouldn't have had a car accident."

When Su Jian had a car accident, he blamed himself and felt distressed. In the final analysis, it was because he asked her to do this interview.

"This is my job. I have money." Su Jian never complained about anyone. Since it is her own job, she should do things with the money.

Her legs were covered with a quilt, Sheng Xun couldn't see her leg injuries, and was a little worried: "Is your leg okay?"

"The leg is fine." Su Jian shook her head, but was scratched by glass shards.

"I saw it just now, so you don't have to worry." Ji Shizhou answered, and said calmly, "Even if she can't move, my legs can still be used by her."

In short, Sheng Xun didn't need to worry about it anyway.

The hidden hostility was already obvious, and Sheng Xun did not back down, "If something happens, I will do my best to make her recover, and I will also take responsibility and be responsible to her."

In the conversation between the two, the pronoun "you" became the pronoun "she", which was already a conversation between two people, and it had nothing to do with Su Jian.

Su Jian pulled the words back, "You can lose money."

Sheng Xun: "..."

The coldness in Ji Shizhou's eyes dissipated a little, "Su Jian, I have money."

"I know." Su Jian gave Ji Shizhou a cold look, "Work-related injuries also require compensation."

Who wants your money, I want work injury compensation!
"Of course I will pay." Sheng Xun laughed. After such a big incident, she came back from the death line, and she can still discuss the work-related injury fee without changing her face. Su Jian is still the same Su Jian.

There is no change from the first time I saw it, always cold and indifferent, but those eyes are extraordinarily agile.

He couldn't help being moved by such a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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