The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 509 Let him die, waste her money

Chapter 509 Let him die, waste her money
The address has been sent to Su Jian's mobile phone, and the person on the phone warned Su Jian: "Don't call the police."

"Don't worry." Su Jian reassured the other party, "You want money, I want people, don't hurt him, my uncle has plenty of money!"

"Count you acquainted!"


Ji Shizhou's voice stopped abruptly, and the phone was hung up.

Su Jian's face was condensed, remembering what Ji Shizhou said, no matter what happens, don't believe it, don't listen to it.

After hanging up the phone, Su Jian immediately called the police, sent the address of the kidnappers to the police, and discussed with the police how to keep them away from Su Jian, and let Su Jian lead those people out.

Su Jian thought for a while and left the villa.

Seeing her leaving the villa, Qin Yue's people immediately contacted Qin Yue, "Su Jian has gone out, and our people are following her. She is the only one at present, and no one else has been found."

Qin Yue asked: "Where is she going?"

The man followed Su Jian for a while, "She went into a hotpot restaurant."

"Hehe..." Qin Yue chuckled, "I'd like to see what tricks she can pull off, so keep watching."

Su Jian ordered a hot pot at the hot pot restaurant and kept eating. The person on the phone called again, "Miss Su, I'll give you three hours, don't play tricks."

"I... I'll come right away..." Su Jian was a little flustered, and the chopsticks kept pinching the beef roll into the pot, "Don't hurt him!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Jian put away her phone and continued eating hot pot.

The people guarding Su Jian found that Su Jian had been in the hotpot restaurant for nearly an hour and a half before coming out slowly.Su Jian came out of the hot pot restaurant and received a kidnapping call again.

"Miss Su, the time is almost up, don't you want him to live?"

Su Jian answered the phone while walking, "I don't want to, let him die, it's a waste of my money."

After walking for a while, Su Jian found someone following behind her, so she didn't leave, turned around, looked at the figure who followed him into the alley, "Come out."

Four or five men came out, and seeing Su Jian's calm and composed appearance, they looked at each other with a bad feeling.

"Kidnapping openly." Su Jian pushed the glasses that had slipped off the bridge of her nose, and took out her phone, "Come out."

Two policemen came out, as well as people from Ji Shizhou, "Miss Su."

"Dare to play us!"

"court death!"


The five men were not enough to see at all. They had already been subdued before they could make a move. The police found communication tools from their bodies and disconnected them.

"Take it back to the police station."

The person was taken away, and people from Ji Shizhou ran over and asked Su Jian: "Miss Su, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I don't know how Su Huai is. I'm afraid he will encounter the same situation." Su Jian was a little worried. Such tricks could be used against her and Ji Shizhou. Su Jian was afraid that he would be impulsive.

"Miss Su, don't worry, our people have already contacted the young master."

"That's good."


"The police are here!"

Qin Yue was slightly taken aback, then sneered, "Where are Erba and the others?"

"Already caught by the police."

"What?" Qin Yue's eyes were gloomy and cold, the calm and indifferent bearing of the eldest son of the family disappeared, and he began to panic, "Where's Su Jian?"

"We didn't get caught, we were tricked!"

Qin Yue's voice was raised in vain, "What about the evil one?"

"On the way."

Qin Yue forced herself to calm down, she must be calm, "Let him die!"

"The police are here!"

The whole hotel was surrounded by the police, Qin Yue took a deep breath, "Don't worry, we didn't do anything illegal, the police will have nothing to do with us when they come."

(End of this chapter)

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