The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 510 Everyone Has Weaknesses And Armor

Chapter 510 Everyone Has Weaknesses And Armor
Someone knocked on the door, Qin Yue probably knew that the police were outside the door, so she asked her men to open the door, "Let them in."

The door opened, and there was the police. They showed their documents, "Someone suspects that you are involved in murder and attempted to kidnap you. Come with us."

"The police must have evidence to arrest someone." Qin Yue didn't panic, the eldest son of Qin had seen strong winds and waves, and it would be fine to block this drizzle casually.

Qin Yue sat on the sofa and poured a glass of red wine unhurriedly.

The police went in and asked people to guard the door, "There is indeed no evidence, everything will be discussed when Mr. Ji comes over."

When the police mentioned Ji Shizhou, Qin Yue's hand holding the old wine glass trembled, and the wine-red liquid almost spilled out. After thinking about it, what could happen even if Ji Shizhou came.

There were policemen outside the hotel rooms. Qin Yue in the hotel was calm and calm on the surface, but there was a faint uneasiness in her heart. When people were waiting, they would always think wildly.

With the sound of "Mr. Ji is here", the wine in Qin Yue's wine glass spilled out and splashed on his pants. He reached out and brushed the wine stains on his pants.

Ji Shizhou appeared, glanced at Qin Yue, and gave the recording to the police.

Leng Feibai took the perpetrator back then and threw it on the sofa, "Master Qin, you should still remember this person, right?"

When Chen Dayou saw Qin Yue, he didn't dare to look at him, and shrank back a little.

"Chen Dayou, we have connected your wife and son. Do you want to call them?" His wife and son are Chen Dayou's weaknesses. For so many years, Qin Yue has used his wife and son to constantly threaten him and make him Hide and hide, never see the light of day.

Leng Feibai grasped his weakness, and had already picked up Chen Dayou's wife and children to take care of him.

"Really?" Chen Dayou couldn't believe it, "What you said is true?"

Leng Feibai dialed the phone, and a woman answered the phone, "Mr. Leng."

Hearing the voice, Chen Dayou's body trembled violently, and he took the phone in Leng Feibai's hands with his hands wrapped around him, choked up, "Honey, it's me."

"You bastard! Finally willing to answer my call, why don't you die! Go die!" The woman burst into tears when she heard Chen Dayou's call, "Go die..."

Chen Dayou choked up, "I'm sorry... my wife... I'm sorry for you..."

The woman cried and sobbed for a while, and persuaded him: "Dayou, go and surrender, you can come out soon, my son and I will wait for you, is that okay?"

"Okay, I surrender myself." Chen Dayou hung up the phone, not wanting to hear his wife's voice, fearing that if he listened for a while longer, he would be reluctant again.

Chen Dayou looked at Qin Yue, "Back then, he was the one who gave me money to go up the mountain and collided with the Ji couple's car, and they also tampered with the Ji couple's car..."

Chen Dayou narrated the events of that year in detail, and everything was frightening. Qin Yue deliberately killed people, and the Ji couple died in a car accident.

"It's ridiculous, how could I kill my sister and brother-in-law?" Qin Yue looked at Chen Dayou coldly, "Why should I kill my sister and brother-in-law?"

"In order to satisfy your ambition." When it comes to the Ji family and his parents, Ji Shizhou's expression is still so indifferent, "The Qin family's daughter is dead, and the Qin family's son naturally has the right to inherit everything in the Qin family."

"You're talking nonsense!" Qin Yue glared, "Ji Shizhou, don't forget, I'm your uncle!"

"I still keep the check receipt you gave me." Chen Dayou tugged on Leng Feibai's trouser legs, making him bow his head.

(End of this chapter)

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