The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 516 Ji Shizhou Takes Her to Meet Her Biological Parents

Chapter 516 Ji Shizhou Takes Her to Meet Her Biological Parents

At the door of the house, Su Jian asked him: "Su Huai, just say what you have to say."

Always suppressed like this, Su Jian is really afraid that something will happen to him someday.

Those legends about him are dark and terrifying.

At present, what she saw in Ji Shizhou was excessive forbearance and restraint.

"Su Huai, you can tell me something, don't be bored." Her tone softened.

"Qin Chubai is my uncle." Ji Shizhou looked at Su Jian, grasping every expression in her eyes.

Her expression was indifferent. Hearing his words did not stir up any splashes for her. It was not that she was not curious about the relationship between Qin Chubai and Ji Shizhou, but she had already guessed it.

Su Jian nodded, "Oh." Is there anything to show off?

"I didn't intend to lie to you." Ji Shizhou was worried because he had kept his and Qin Chubai's identities from her for many years, and he was even more afraid that she would have something in her heart.

"En." Su Jian paused, and said seriously: "If you know Dr. Qin, it will be easier for us to go through the back door in the future."

"Okay." Ji Shizhou remembered it in his heart, and told Qin Chubai next time.

"Su Huai." Su Jian called him. He must be in a bad mood. She thought about what she could do to make him happier. After thinking for a long time, she didn't come up with anything, so she simply gave up.

He didn't show any sadness. He didn't mention it, and Su Jian didn't want to mention it. She couldn't do the thing of exposing people's scars.

He called her softly: "Jane Jane."

Every time Ji Shizhou called "Jian Jian" softly, Su Jian's heart always felt a little itchy, with some different feelings, "Mmm."

"Come with me to see my parents tomorrow." With this request, he looked at Su Jian and rubbed his fingers.

Quietly waiting for her answer, when he didn't get her answer, he lowered his eyes, "No?"

"Yes." Very good!
Su Jian's entire facial expression said yes, "Then what do I need to bring?"

"No need." Ji Shizhou paused, "I'll take you with me."

"Okay." Su Jian made an "ok" gesture.

Going to meet Ji Shizhou's biological parents, even though he said he didn't need her to bring anything, Su Jian felt that something was wrong.

The next day, when Ji Shizhou went to see his parents, Su Jian bought a bunch of flowers and some paper money before going.

Seeing the flowers and paper money in Su Jian's hands, Ji Shizhou's eyes became warm, and he uncharacteristically didn't pick up the things in her hands, letting her keep holding them.


Su Jian saw the photo of Ji Shizhou's biological parents. They were very young, and the man's eyes were gentle, but the woman's expression was a little cold and capable. At first glance, she looked like a strong woman living in the upper class, as well as those women in the big family. training.

Ji Shizhou's father is called Ji Feng, and his mother is called Qin Nuan.

Su Jian knelt down, placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone, and began to burn paper.

"Jane, they are my biological parents." Ji Shizhou put his hand on the photo on the tombstone, and said to the woman in the photo, "Mom, she is Su Jian."

Su Jian distributed some of the paper money to him, "Burn some money for your mother."

Ji Shizhou didn't answer, "You give it, she will like it."

Su Jian looked at the woman in the photo, and felt strangely that the woman in the photo was smiling at her. Looking again, the woman was still smiling, and she quickly burned a wad of paper money, "Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is Su Jian , it's Su Huai...your son's sister..."

She stopped, Ji Shizhou looked at her, chilling her spine even more, and she burned a few pieces of paper money.

Su Jian was sweating, "Your son's girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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