The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 517 Su Huai, I will be with you

Chapter 517 Su Huai, I will be with you

In an instant, the cool wind blowing over the back seemed to turn into a warm wind, and the wind blowing over the cheeks also became gentle, like a feather brushing over the cheeks, itchy, warm, and very comfortable.

The silent Ji Shizhou said abruptly, "Well, girlfriend."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Su Huai for you."

In front of the dead, there is no room for falsehood. What Su Jian said was sincere.

In front of his biological parents, Ji Shizhou said very little, but when he heard Su Jian's words, he said, "I will take care of you."

hehe!Who is taking care of who?

Su Jian threw a few more pieces of paper money into the fire, and responded wittily: "We take care of each other."

Hearing this, Ji Shizhou nodded silently.

Su Jian didn't know what to say to Ji Shizhou's parents. After thinking for a while, she talked about Ji Shizhou's current living conditions: "Su Huai is living a good life, is very promising, and even avenged you. So Excellent sons are rare in the world."

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry." Su Jian burned the last piece of paper, still kneeling on the ground, silently made a wish in her heart: May the two spirits in heaven keep Su Er and Su Huai safe, thank you.

Ji Shizhou knelt in front of the tomb, motionless.

After Su Jian made her wish, she changed from kneeling to sitting, "Su Huai, I will be with you from now on."

Ji Shizhou nodded, looking at the photo on the tombstone.

She is with me, and I want to be with her even more.

"Su Huai, I know you are very sad. There are no outsiders here. In front of your parents, you can cry and be sad."

After enduring it for nine years and suppressing it for nine years, once such emotions erupted, it would be terrible. Su Jian wanted to see him look sad, even if he showed a little sadness.

"They are your parents. It is not weak for you to cry in front of them. I will not laugh at you, let alone look down on you." Su Jian put her hand on the top of his hair and rubbed it gently, " Su Huai, don't suppress it too much."

Ji Shizhou's eye sockets gradually turned red, and there were crystals in his eye sockets. Su Jian had seen his eye sockets turn red, but he had never seen Ji Shizhou shed tears.

Maybe there were tears, but they never fell in front of her. This was the first time she saw tears in Ji Shizhou's eyes.

Anyway, I will cry like a normal person, which means that the five senses are still normal, and there are joys, anger, sorrows and joys.

Ji Shizhou leaned over, his chin dropped on her shoulder, and hugged her, her shoulder was hot and humid, wet with tears.

Hot tears penetrated the fabric of her clothes and burned the skin on her shoulders. Her shoulders seemed to be burned, painful and hot.

Su Jian gently stroked his shoulder and patted it from time to time, as gentle and patient as a crying baby sleeping.

"I went back to the Qin family and got involved with the Qin family. I don't want to involve you." Ji Shizhou hugged her, "My family situation is complicated, and I'm afraid it will bring you misfortune."

"I watched my parents die in a pool of blood, and watched Qin Yue arrange the funeral for my parents, while thinking about how to get my mother's inheritance right. I can't do anything."

Ji Shizhou's body trembled slightly, "Later, I'm afraid they will use the same method to deal with you."

He was even more afraid that after she found out, she would stay away from him, completely away, never daring to let her know how dark his growing world was.

"I'm not afraid." Even if he was a monster, Su Jian didn't pay attention to him. In front of the boss, those people are nothing.

Ji Shizhou wanted to stand up straight, but found that his back was a little stiff, one hand landed on his back, and tapped lightly, "Can you get up?"


"Then get up quickly." Without moving, Su Jian's legs were numb, what an annoying dog!

(End of this chapter)

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