Chapter 527
At the beginning of the film, it tells the story of a pair of young men and women from campus to society, from being innocent to being led astray by certain phenomena in society, and then the painting style behind it is not so beautiful.

The screen suddenly plays a scene that is not suitable for children. Although the camera is not so revealing, it is still a bit too much.

A couple sitting in front kissed each other by themselves, inseparable.

Su Jian took a sip of Coke and continued to stuff the popcorn.

Ji Shizhou, who was sitting next to him, dropped his hand on the armrest beside him, and then put it back, back and forth, not knowing where to put it.

The movie theater was very dark, and the only source of light came from the movie playing on the screen. She heard a man's hoarse voice: "Jane Jane."

Su Jian put back the popcorn in her hand, and put the hand that squeezed the popcorn on his eyes, "It's not suitable for children."

With a pair of hot hands pressed against his eyes, Ji Shizhou's body froze and he couldn't move. His eyes were blocked by her hands and he couldn't see any light. The light on the screen just happened to pass over his neck.

The Adam's apple, which symbolizes male characteristics, moved up and down, and he seemed to be unable to hear anything, only his drum-like voice.

"Stop watching movies that are not suitable for children." Su Jian watched the scrolling pictures on the screen, her ears became hot, and as the pictures passed, the heat of her ears dropped.

Ji Shizhou's lips seemed to touch her palm, "I... I didn't choose the film, I... I don't know."

The screen scrolled for a while, Su Jian took her hand away, and continued to stuff the popcorn into her mouth, "Didn't you buy the movie ticket?"

"Assistant Fang." Ji Shizhou turned his head and saw that she was biting the straw and sucking on Coke, her throat was moving.

His Adam's apple moved, his voice became a little deeper and a little embarrassed, "Jane Jane."

Su Jian asked coldly, "What are you?"

"Thirsty." Ji Shizhou leaned over suddenly, took the straw of the Coke in her hand, and took a sip.

Su Jian: "..."

Ji Shizhou straightened up and sat back, leaning on the cushion.

Su Jian subconsciously touched the straw and squeezed it. This action had a particularly obvious meaning of disgust.

Seeing her movement, Ji Shizhou turned his face towards her, "Jane Jane."

Su Jian raised the Coke cup in her hand, stood between the two of them, and handed him popcorn, "Popcorn is more fragrant."

In public, it's not right, it's not right, it's not right!
Ji Shizhou's hand held her wrist, and gently pulled it down. His face moved closer, and his breath passed over her face. She could clearly smell the faint smell of the man.

His hand landed on her chin, and gently squeezed her chin, "Jian Jian, I want to..."

Su Jian calmly said, "Think about it." Just think about it.

"Jian Jian, can't you?" Ji Shizhou whispered in her ear, constantly grinding her nerves, and began to call her name painfully: "Jian Jian."

"No." Su Jian said with a serious face, "This is a movie theater, how can you do such a shameless thing?"

A couple sitting in front turned their heads to look at Su Jian. Although the movie theater was dark, she could see the accusation in the couple's eyes.

Su Jian lowered her voice, and said to the couple: "Go ahead."

The girl sitting next to Su Jian glanced at Su Jian, "Just a kiss, how can you be shameless?"

Su Jian clarified: "No, a kiss is not shameless."

Ji Shizhou took her words, "Tell me, it's not shameless to kiss."

(End of this chapter)

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