Chapter 528 Su Jian Fu Soft
Su Jian paused, and asked in disbelief, "You just want to kiss?"

"Huh?" Ji Shizhou paused, thinking of something, his face became hot, "I just want to kiss you."

"..." Oh, sorry, I was shameless.

She firmly refused to admit that she was shameless, "What are you kissing, isn't the movie good?"

In the end, there was no marriage. In the last scene of the movie, there was another scene of love. Su Jian raised her hand to cover his eyes again, "It's not suitable for children."

She said it was not suitable for children, but she actually had fun watching it.

When the movie ended, the lovers left one after another. Su Jian and Ji Shizhou followed suit. Su Jian asked him, "Is the movie good?"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Back at the villa, just after entering the door, Su Jianjian was pushed against the door panel. She looked at Ji Shizhou, "What do you want?"

Ji Shizhou paused for a moment, took her hand, put it against his face, and turned the direction of the two of them. He leaned against the door panel and let her press on him, "You kiss me."

"..." This kid is having a convulsion!

Ji Shizhou clings to her hand, sticks it to his face, gently closes his eyes, keeps rubbing his face against her palm, feeling the lines of her palm.

Seeing his appearance, Su Jian's heart trembled violently, "Don't make trouble."

This... this... I can't say anything.

"The movie ticket was given to Assistant Fang." Ji Shizhou whispered, "I don't know what movie it is, Jane."

"I believe you." Su Jian's right hand was held by him, "Let's go in first, shall we?"

"Jian Jian, kiss me, okay?" He stubbornly refused to let go, "Kiss me, okay?"

When he raised his eyes, Su Jian saw on his face the vicissitudes of Qian Fan's past, his desperate eyes, those eyes were like a whirlpool, dragging her step by step.

Su Jian was tortured to the point of helplessness, her heart softened like cotton, "Okay, my kiss."

She did what she said, she pressed him and kissed Ji Shizhou until his eyes turned red. When she let go of him, he softly called out to her with red eyes, "Jian Jian."

Die!This annoying little goblin!This is not drinking, just like this!

Su Jian's legs almost went limp from his soft "Jian Jian", "I'm going to take a bath."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, still leaning against the door panel, breathing heavily.

The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, his expression recovered, and he took out the phone, "Is it all right?"

The caller was Leng Feibai, "I asked someone to check the monitoring on the expressway, and checked all the vehicles going to Liujiao Bay in the past two days, and excluded some people, leaving 540 vehicles. car."

"I'll send the data and those monitoring to your phone later." Leng Feibai thought for a while, "You ask Ning Zhaoyi to help you filter again, maybe you can narrow down the scope."

It is not the vehicles going to Liujiao Bay, but the vehicles going to Liujiao Bay must be checked, and they are only halfway, so it is difficult to check.

Mr. Xu who went to Liujiaowan ruled out the possibility of committing the crime. He originally went to Liujiaowan before Su Jian. Even though his identity was somewhat suspicious, it cannot be concluded that he was the one who did it.

"Yes." Ji Shizhou asked Leng Feibai to send the data and monitoring to his computer, hung up the phone, and he turned on the computer.

As soon as he turned on the computer, Ning Zhaoyi's face appeared on the screen. He raised his hand, "It's me."

Ji Shizhou asked him to talk about business.

"I found the ID of Mr. Xu, and it's in Mingzhou." Ning Zhaoyi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "How is the senior sister recovering?"

(End of this chapter)

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