The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 532 Is the jealous person wrong?

Chapter 532 Is the jealous person wrong?

Zeng Ling was stunned, and the soles of his feet felt cold. He... what did he say?
No one can rob him?
Did he think she had any thoughts about Su Jian?

Probably no one can understand the feeling that you see him as his lover, but he sees you as a love rival. It's as scary as seeing a mouse's head moving around when you go to the toilet.

"You can't rob Jane, I belong to her."

After Ji Shizhou finished speaking, he walked towards Su Jian with his usual indifferent expression.

A chill ran down her back, Zeng Ling thought she had heard it wrong, but she heard such words from this man.

"Ahem!" Assistant Fang covered his lips and coughed lightly.

Zeng Ling knew that Assistant Fang was someone close to Ji Shizhou. Ji Shizhou trusted him and respected him, "Assistant Fang."

"Miss Zeng, I don't know whether you and Mr. Ji know each other, but I need to tell you that if you want to do well in the company, you should stay away from the boss. To be a human being, you must have self-knowledge. You shouldn't expect too much. Don't expect too much."

Seeing that she was going to retort, Assistant Fang signaled her not to speak, and continued: "Of course, if you came here and didn't think about going to work properly, you can leave early. The relationship between the boss and Ms. Su can't get involved."

Assistant Fang has been with the boss for so long, but he is firmly on the side of Ms. Su and the boss. Although Ms. Su sometimes owes a little to her, she is still good at dealing with others.

Love the house and love it, mainly because the boss likes it, and he can't wait to give his life to Miss Su.

It's hard to buy the big boss's love. Dr. Fang resolutely resisted the mistress' involvement. The little wife at home said that she hated the mistress the most.

Zeng Ling heard it, but pretended not to understand, smiled, "Assistant Fang, I don't understand what you mean?"

"Don't be too high-spirited, work hard." Assistant Fang's hand fell on her shoulder, and patted her gently, "Be a good person."

"I'm in the same school as Su Huai and my senior sister. The senior sister has always regarded Mr. Ji as her younger brother. It's not surprising that my sister has a close relationship with my younger brother." Zeng Ling smiled lightly. It's serious."

Zeng Ling glanced at the hand on his shoulder, and put it on the back of Assistant Fang's, smiling harmlessly, "Assistant Fang, you are overthinking."

Dr. Fang felt the back of his hands covered in feces, his hands trembled, and he shook off her hands, "Miss Zeng, don't talk about sisters and younger brothers, Mr. Ji's feelings for Miss Su, we outsiders can't understand at all."

After a pause, he said: "President Ji has already proposed to Miss Su, and we will get married when President Ji turns 22 next year. Miss Zeng, Miss Su regards President Ji as her younger brother, so she won't be a boyfriend and girlfriend with President Ji between things.”

It should be a marriage proposal. As for whether Miss Su agrees or not, that's another matter.

That's all Assistant Fang said. Today's little girls don't know the heights of heaven and earth, relying on their youth and beauty, they always want to become rich and powerful, and do some immoral things.

Zeng Ling was stunned, his heart turned cold.

No, she will not admit defeat. She is not reconciled to giving up on someone she has liked for several years.

What does Su Jian have?Nothing, in terms of appearance, she is no worse than Su Jian, and in terms of family background, she is no worse than Su Jian, why can't she be compared to her?

"The little girl likes you very much. She has liked you since she was in college. She is very infatuated. If you..." Su Jian continued, Ji Shizhou's expression became colder and colder.

(End of this chapter)

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