The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 533 Jian Jian, you need to be stronger

Chapter 533 Jian Jian, you need to be stronger

Ji Shizhou said coldly: "You are rivals in love."

"I know." She has eyes and can see, "That's why I said she likes you."

"Be stronger." Ji Shizhou looked at her while placing the food box, "I'm yours."

"Kacha" the disposable chopsticks were broken by Su Jian, she calmly threw the broken chopsticks on the table, took another pair of disposable chopsticks and broke them apart.

"Of course." Su Jian nodded approvingly, "You are mine, I want to say that if you don't like her, just make it clear and let her know that you don't like her."

Ji Shizhou continued to place the food boxes, with a cold expression, Su Jian's words did not satisfy him, usually when he was unhappy, he would be so silent.

Use silence to resist, use silence to scare Su Jian, "She likes you, not me, I can't refuse."

Ji Shizhou: "You tell her."

"How do you say it?" Su Jian recalled Mr. Ba's lines, "You are mine, not any cat or dog can think about it, whoever dares to touch my person, I will make him regret coming to this world?"

I'm sorry, she can't say such silly words, she doesn't have the conditions to be a boss, and she doesn't have the guts to say the words of a boss.

Ji Shizhou set up the food box, and responded lightly: "Yes."

Su Jian: "..."

A pair of disposable chopsticks were broken. Su Jian ate at home, but this time she didn't eat anything. Ji Shizhou took the chopsticks, and asked her once after taking a few bites, and asked her again after taking a few bites.

"Jane Jane." Ji Shizhou gave her a meatball, "Take a bite."

Su Jian was so tortured that she couldn't help it, she opened her mouth to eat, "Don't give me any more, I really can't take it anymore."

If you force me to eat again, I will be angry, and I will be very angry when I am angry.

Ji Shizhou stopped feeding her, "I found several people about the car accident, and one of them is most likely."

Su Jian's eyes were slightly cold, "Who?"

The car accident is indeed man-made, not an accident.

"There was a period of high-speed surveillance, and I saw Shujin." It's just a guess, not sure. There is no surveillance in the remote place of Liujiao Bay, and the only way to screen the cars going in the direction of Liujiao Bay is. Monitoring on a section of high speed.

book brocade...

After graduating, Su Jian never saw her again, and didn't know where she worked. When she heard her name again, she was involved in a car accident.

Ji Shizhou said: "I'm checking her driving record that day. If she stops and goes back halfway, it is very likely that she did it. If you meet her again, Jane, let her die if she wants to die. Bar."

Before Shujin wanted to die, Daode kidnapped Su Jian, Su Jian had to save her, once or twice, and died without repentance.

For such a person, it would be better to die than to live, and to end up in peace.

Ji Shizhou lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes cast shadows on his forehead. Su Jian was startled, "Su Huai, no matter whether the car accident was caused by her or not, don't take action against her. You can provide evidence to the police station, but you Can't do it."

Su Jian didn't want him to go crazy on the verge of committing a crime, but wanted him to rein in the brink and be a good person.

Ji Shizhou's chopsticks kept picking up the dishes in the lunch box, but he didn't eat them, and the dishes in the bowl had piled up a lot.

Su Jian's tone was a little harsher: "Su Huai."

Ji Shizhou's extended chopsticks paused for a moment, "Yes."

He retracted his chopsticks and started eating from the bowl.

"I'm going back. You don't need to ask Assistant Fang to take me. I'll take a taxi back by myself. Remember to bring the insulation box." Su Jian unscrewed her bag and went out. She was already familiar with Ji Shizhou's company.

When she walked to the entrance of the lobby, she remembered something, so Su Jian turned back.

(End of this chapter)

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