The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 534 Su Jian Reports Oath of Sovereignty

Chapter 534 Su Jian Reports Oath of Sovereignty
Su Jian went to the manager and asked which department Zeng Ling was in, "Zeng Ling, do you know him?"

The manager said, "New employee, I'll take you there."

"No, tell me, I'll go there by myself." Su Jian waved her hand coldly, not to delay other people's working hours.

The manager nodded and told Su Jian where Zeng Ling was.

Su Jian killed all the way, and the passers-by saw Miss Su approaching, they were too frightened to say a word, "Su...Miss Su, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'm going to talk to my elementary school girl." Su Jian said to the team leader, "I'm looking for Zeng Ling, please let her come out."

The team leader nodded repeatedly and called Zeng Ling to come out.

"Sister." Seeing Su Jian, Zeng Ling was a little surprised, "What do you want from me?"

Su Jian glanced around, lowered her voice, and looked serious and cold, "Su Huai is mine, no one can touch it, mine."

"Sister, I'm very possessive. For someone I like and who belongs to me, I would feel angry if others take a second look." Su Jian paused, "If someone misses him, I will There are a hundred ways to make you miserable, if you don't believe it, try it."

After the warning was over, Su Jian raised her hand and pressed on her shoulder, pressing hard, "Sister, enough is enough."

Su Jian usually had a desolate look. When she stared at Zeng Ling with fixed eyes, Zeng Ling really felt the coercion from Su Jian.

"Sister... I don't know what you are talking about?"

Su Jian said with a cold face: "Ask yourself." Annoying thing, I can't even understand this sentence, I'm fucking threatening.

Withdraw the hand that was on Zeng Ling's shoulder, "Go to work, the boss's wife will check the performance in the future."

Su Jian put her in the right place, and hoped that this little girl would also put her in the right place.

When Su Jian left, Zeng Ling let out a sneer, who knows what will happen in the future, if he places himself so high, it will hurt even more when he falls.

Su Huai, she is bound to win.

She couldn't get 17-year-old Su Huai.

Su Jian, she can't get it.

At the age of 21, even if Su Huai can't get it, when Su Jian turns 30 or 40, she will still be young, and she won't get it if she doesn't believe it.

Assistant Fang finished watching the show, and quietly slipped back to the boss's office, "Boss, Miss Su still loves you."

Ji Shizhou immersed himself in processing the documents, "Huh?"

"Ms. Su went to warn Ms. Zeng just now. It's so fierce." Assistant Fang didn't know that Ms. Su's damn possessiveness was so strong, and she just killed her to give a stern warning.

Ji Shizhou put down the pen and looked at Assistant Fang.

"Miss Su's damn possessiveness is just what the proprietress does." Assistant Fang hummed and quit.

Ji Shizhou didn't pick up the pen he put down. He took out his mobile phone, checked the calendar, checked the birthday on his ID card, and checked the number of days until his 22nd birthday.

Frowning, it's still so long.


The next day, Su Jian packed her clothes and went back to Jincheng. When she dragged her suitcase out, Ji Shizhou was already waiting downstairs.

"Are you not going to work today?" At this point, he should have gone to work.

"Rest today." Ji Shizhou took the suitcase in her hand and put it in the trunk.

Ji Shizhou sent her off, but Su Jian didn't refuse. She took out a small mirror from her bag and took a picture. There was no scar on her face, but new flesh grew on the place where the scab had fallen off, and the color was different.

So the skin color is not so even, Su Jian is worried.

(End of this chapter)

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