Chapter 539

"It's up to people." She said it so bluntly, and Sheng Xun also said it bluntly, "Nothing is impossible."

"I'm with Su Huai, between male and female friends." In order to make this sentence authentic, Su Jian added: "During the time I was not in Jincheng, I lived with Su Huai. .”

Sheng Xun called the waiter to come up, ordered a bottle of red wine, poured a glass and sipped it slowly, "That kid, do you really like him?"

"He is not a child. He is 21 years old and a man." Su Jian once treated him as a child, but after so long, he is no longer a child.

"Didn't you become dependent on him because of taking care of him all the year round? Dependence is not love." This is what Sheng Xun has been worrying about.

Su Huai's love for Su Jian may be due to his care for her when he was young, and he is extremely dependent on her. When he really understands his feelings, will he still treat Su Jian as before?
"As long as he's happy." Whatever Su Huai's feelings for her, she would never reject his feelings, "If he is dependent, let him be dependent."

She doesn't know whether the boy's feelings are mostly dependent or habitual, but she is willing to give him a response.

"Su Jian, I hope you don't regret your choice." If she regrets one day, it means her life is not good, and the less she regrets, it means her life is better.

"Hmm." Maybe not, she wasn't sure either.

Her feelings for Ji Shizhou involved some impure things in it, and she was not sure how it would develop in the end.

"Well, I hope you have a better life." Sheng Xun poured another glass of wine, drank it clean, and got up, "Let's go."

"Yes." Su Jian nodded, "Let's go."

After returning, Sheng Xun sat in the co-pilot, and Su Jian smelled alcohol on him, "You've been drinking, can you still drive?"

"Drinking and driving, knowing the law and breaking the law?" Sheng Xun smiled, drinking and driving, if this incident comes out, it will also be a stain in his life.

Su Jian didn't speak, and drove him for a while, "Where are you, I'll see you off."

"No need." Sheng Xun shook his head, "I'll send someone to pick me up."

"Okay." Su Jian didn't force him, and brought him back to the entrance of the company, "Boss, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." Sheng Xun nodded, and called someone to come and drive.

Su Jian waited for the person he called to come over before driving away.

The assistant came over and smelled the alcohol on Sheng Xun's body, "Boss, why are you drinking suddenly?"

Sheng Xun asked his assistant to follow Su's car, "Follow the car in front."

The assistant nodded and followed Su Jian's car, "Miss Su's car is not cheap."

Sheng Xun drank, leaned on the cushion, and squinted at the assistant a little lazily, "What do you want to say?"

The assistant didn't dare to talk too much. He reached out to touch the things in his clothes, took out two photos from the clothes, and handed them to Sheng Xun, "These are photos taken by others."

In the photo, Su Jian got out of the car, hooked Ji Shizhou's neck, and kissed his face. There was also a photo of Su Jian kissing Ji Shizhou at the airport.

Sheng Xun held the photo between his thumb and the tip of his index finger. Looking at the two photos, he looked at them for a while, put the photos away, closed his eyes, and completely covered the emotions in his eyes.

"Boss, if this Miss Su really likes you, she would have been with you a long time ago." The assistant was ordered by his wife to persuade the boss to turn around and say, "She is with Su Huai. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have done such a thing. move."

 The fourth update is over, I had something to do yesterday, and I have already asked for leave.

(End of this chapter)

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