Chapter 540
"Boss, the nine-year relationship between Miss Su and Su Huai is something that no one else can get involved in. You'd better plan ahead and not hang yourself on Miss Su."

The assistant came this time to take orders from his wife to persuade the boss to give up Su Jian, although he knew that the chance of success was almost zero.

"Needless to say the truth, I understand it all." Sheng Xun waved his hands, his expression was a little drunk, but in fact he was very sober, and he always felt unwilling to give up on some things.

A man in his thirties is not an impulsive young man. He knows what to do. Apart from sex, it is too difficult for him to like a woman, so he doesn't want to let go so soon.

In fact, he was very clear about the relationship between Su Jian and Su Huai. Su Jian indulged that young man, but that young man's gaze was on her all the time. Su Jian couldn't see it, but bystanders could clearly see it. See.

Knowing that this persuasion was going to end in failure again, the assistant sighed and followed Su Jian in the car, "Boss, aren't we perverted by following her like this?"

"It's so late, there are always some people with bad intentions. It's me who delayed her time to get off work. I have to see people safely enter the house to be at ease." Sheng Xun was worried that Su Jian would go back alone so late, and he didn't intend to let her go. Knowing that he followed her, he just wanted to watch her enter the house safely.

"You're great." The assistant curled her lips. It's really that I love her, and it has nothing to do with her.

Sheng Xun smiled, not great, but just worried about her.

Sheng Xun's car followed Su Jian all the time, separated by a certain distance, neither approaching nor far away.

At the traffic light, Su Jian stopped the car, and Sheng Xun stopped at the rear of her car, but a pickup truck rushed over as if it hadn't seen the traffic light.

"Get out of the way!" Sheng Xun's heart rose to his throat, he suddenly pushed the assistant away, held the steering wheel with his hands, and drove towards the small truck that was rushing across.

Su Jian's car was already running sideways, but she didn't expect a small car to rush over and run across in front of her.

The car belonged to Sheng Xun, Su Jian was stunned, she felt a lot of guilt towards Sheng Xun in her heart, she really didn't want to owe him anything at that time.

When the truck was about to hit Sheng Xun's car, a large truck rushed over from another direction and ran directly in front of Sheng Xun's car, blocking the oncoming truck.

The truck collided with each other, and there was a violent collision. The front of the small truck that suddenly failed crashed and stopped, still some distance away from Sheng Xun's car.

Su Jian was fine, Sheng Xun was fine, the front of the truck that hit it was shattered, the wheels rubbed violently on the ground, the smell of smoke was scattered, and the stench of burning was nauseating.

Someone really wanted her dead.

Everyone got out of the car to check. The driver of the pickup truck was limp on the ground when he got off, unable to speak a word.

"Boss!" The assistant's heart was pounding, "You don't want to die!"

Sheng Xun opened the car door to see if Su Jian was okay.

Su Jian got out of the car, at this time the alarm kept going off, making people flustered.

Sheng Xun hurried over, equally flustered, "Su Jian!"

Seeing Sheng Xun appearing, Su Jian was a little surprised. In addition to being surprised, a figure rushed out from the crowd and held her tightly in his arms.

It was the faint scent of her youth and the mature scent of a man that she was familiar with. She was held in his arms, unable to see his face, and the fear and panic at that moment were soothed.

The whole heart suddenly calmed down, the heartbeat of the person hugging her was chaotic, the Adam's apple was moving up and down, and the throat was dry, "Jane Jane."

(End of this chapter)

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