The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 541 Miss Su, please be a good person

Chapter 541 Miss Su, please be a good person
He opened his mouth and pulled his heart, a little bit of pain, trembling all over, but luckily he rushed over, okay.

"Su Huai, I'm fine." Su Jian raised her hand and patted his back, "Let go first, the police will be here in a while."

Human life is a matter of heaven, and it would be too much for them to show their affection.

The truck driver came down, and it was none other than Leng Feibai who was beside Ji Shizhou. He walked to Ji Shizhou's side, "Master, the police will be here in a while."

The truck driver was limp on the ground and kept saying that I don't know anything.

This traffic accident has attracted great attention, and the TV news is broadcasting it.

All those involved were taken away, the truck driver's brakes failed, the direct victim was Su Jian, and the truck driver didn't know anything.

"This is a deliberate murder. It is the same as the car accident in Liujiaowan. It was also done by the same person. She wanted to hurt Miss Su." Leng Feibai handed the evidence to the police, "This is that person criminal evidence."

"We'll take care of it." The policeman nodded.

Coming out of it, Su Jian was covered in cold sweat, and tugged at Ji Shizhou, "Why did you appear suddenly?"

"Shujin won't let it go, she hates you."

In this case of deliberate murder, Ji Shizhou guessed that Shujin would take action from the very beginning, but it's not a problem to keep on guard. It's better to let Shujin sit still, expose it thoroughly, and leave evidence.

"The young master guessed that Shujin would not let it go, and lured her into leaving evidence of the crime." Although he took the time to come, he still had lingering fears. The situation just now was terrible.

But only in this way can Shujin be captured thoroughly, making her inescapable.

That woman is jealous, and others only need to say something casually to arouse her killing intent.

"It's really Shujin." Su Jian didn't think that the woman would hate her so much that she would kill her and even commit a crime.People's hearts are really unpredictable, and jealousy can really destroy a person.

Unlike her, she has a peaceful mind, is neither jealous nor annoyed, and behaves well.

Ji Shizhou's eyes were gloomy, "She should have died long ago."

At school, Jian Jian's hand was dislocated because of her, the car accident later, and today, she should have died long ago.

"Damn it." Su Jian agreed with Ji Shizhou's statement that a person wanted you dead again and again, and Su Jian didn't have the heart to tolerate her.

Such a person will never have a day of repentance, no matter how many times you give her, she will never be a good person.

"I'll take care of the rest, young master, take Miss Su away first." Leng Feibai really admired Su Jian, and he was still able to talk to them so calmly.

Is this woman still a woman?
Ji Shizhou flipped her hand, "Is it hurt?"

"No." Su Jian stretched out her five slender fingers, "Not at all."

Ji Shizhou pinched her wrist, felt the beating pulse on her wrist, pulled her into his arms forcefully, leaned over and kissed her.

A little flustered, no seriousness, unable to control the strength.

Being kissed in front of really many people, Su Jian looked seriously at her face, pushed him away, and rubbed the skin bitten by him, she bared her teeth in pain, "Are you a dog?"

"Jane." Ji Shizhou's voice trembled, "I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of when you're in the blue sky? With such poor skills, you're still going crazy in broad daylight." Su Jian had a cold face, biting her so painfully, she was afraid, okay?
Leng Feibai couldn't bear to listen to the young master being despised for his poor skills, "Miss Su, please treat him better."

He actually wanted to say, Miss Su, be a good person!

(End of this chapter)

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