The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 542 Su Jian can only owe him one person

Chapter 542 Su Jian Can Only Owe Him To One Person
Ji Shizhou, who was despised for his poor skills: "..."

This is their way of getting along, a way that others can't envy. Sheng Xun, who was standing next to him, watched silently without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

After she got off the car, her attention was on Su Huai, and she didn't seem to notice his existence. His appearance was irrelevant to her. As long as Su Huai was there, her gaze would be Can't see anywhere else.

Su Jian remembered that there were still people present, her face turned hot, and she looked at Sheng Xun, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Sheng Xun's expression was cold.

Su Jian didn't know why Sheng Xun appeared there, but when he stopped the car, she thought that she was going to owe her money again.

Fortunately, people from Ji Shizhou came over, and she didn't want to owe Sheng Xun.

But he was always desperate to save her.

"You just now..." She hesitated to speak.

"Just passing by, don't take it to heart." Sheng Xun nodded lightly.

Ji Shizhou took two steps and said in a low voice, "She doesn't owe you anything."

Sheng Xun looked at Ji Shizhou who had gradually grown from a boy in the past to a man, and he didn't have any intention of being too tolerant towards him.

No man would be tolerant and false to his rival in love, and so was Sheng Xun. The ambition and desire of a man in his thirties would not allow him to greet Ji Shizhou with a smile.

He asked lightly: "Aside from those so-called family affection, did she ever love you?"

Ji Shizhou was indifferent, "I don't care."

The voices of the two were so low that only each other could hear. Sheng Xun smiled lightly, with a bit of selfish complacency hidden in his smile. He saw a little panic in Ji Shizhou's eyes.

"You know whether you care about it or not." After Sheng Xun said this, he followed his assistant into the car, his expression much more indifferent.

"Boss, you were joking about your own life just now, but the only person she saw from the beginning to the end was Su Huai." The assistant felt unworthy for Sheng Xun.

"There's no need to use these to bind her, it has nothing to do with her." Sheng Xun said indifferently.

"You are also trying to save her. You didn't even say thank you at the end. What do you like about her?" The assistant didn't understand, and even had a bad impression of Su Jian in his heart.

"Thank you, I probably don't need it." Sheng Xun paused: "She also thanked Su Huai."

The assistant didn't understand what he was thinking, "Do you still want to take care of her sister's heart?"

After this incident, the assistant felt that the boss might have given up his heart, and he was not so concerned about sister Su Jian's heart.

"I saved a life." Sheng Xun picked up the photo he had put away, twisted his thumb and forefinger, and placed it outside the car window. When he let go of his fingers, the photo was thrown on the road.

The wheels ran over the photo mercilessly, as indifferent as the man on the car.

The assistant is helpless, and he is still determined after this.

The photo thrown away by Sheng Xun was blown to Su Jian's feet by the wind. She picked it up and looked calmly at the car that had already driven away.

Su Jian was glad that she didn't owe him a life this time.

Ji Shizhou's eyes fell on that photo, and he felt a little childishly proud that Su Jian could owe him, but not other men.

"Give me the photo." He reached out for the photo in her hand.

Su Jian generously gave him the photo, "Just keep it if you like it."

Su Jian didn't care why Sheng Xun had this photo.


"Let her escape again! Is she a strange cat with nine lives!"

After Shujin finished speaking, she smashed another vase severely, and the room was in a mess, all traces of being smashed by her.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

 Tomorrow, the sixth update will resume, and after tomorrow, the update will resume in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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