The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 547 Jian Jian Daily Calm Face

Chapter 547 Jian Jian Daily Calm Face

Encountering such a situation, he was embarrassed, but it was not the first time, not as flustered as the first time.

The heat on his body was scalding, Su Jian wanted to sit over and avoid touching him, but he held her hand tightly, not wanting her to stay away.

"In this way, will you be angry?" Those dark thoughts were always exposed without warning, Ji Shizhou was uncertain, shy and panicked.

"No." Su Jian shook her head, and educated him with the spectrum of someone who came here: "Normal physiological phenomena are not something to be ashamed of."

At first, Ji Shizhou's ears were red, but now his face is red.

Su Jian said with a serious face: "However, it's better for you to deal with it." Don't look at me, I won't help you deal with it!I don't want to lose face!
The color on Ji Shizhou's face became more and more intense. A blanket was thrown over and just covered his legs. He looked at the blanket on his legs without saying a word.

"You can let it be." After all, that matter is not good for your health, Su Jian glanced at him holding her hand, "Let go of my hand first, and calm yourself down."

Ji Shizhou nodded numbly, the blush on his face disappeared, and the trace of fear in his eyes also disappeared.

I started dreaming at the age of fifteen or sixteen, always dreaming about her, every time I woke up it was the same situation, the panic in my heart was even worse, I was afraid that one day this kind of shady thoughts would be known to her and be disgusted by her.

Now that I am 21 years old, such thoughts have not only appeared in my dreams, but also...

Su Jian walked into the room calmly, closed the door, and fell on the bed, rolling around. After calming down for a while, she crawled into the bed and closed the curtain.

The person sitting in the living room seemed to have taken root, sitting there stiffly, motionless, the heat on his face dropped, and gradually, the heat on his body also dropped.

After sitting outside for a long time, his whole body cooled down, and he looked in the direction of the bedroom, just watching.

The clock hanging on the wall was constantly swinging, and the minute hand was beating one frame at a time. It probably made a half turn, that is, about three and ten minutes.

He hesitated for a moment, got up and entered the bedroom, the curtains were drawn tightly, and he called out in a low voice: "Su Jian."

The people inside didn't respond, so he called out again: "Su Jian."

Still no one answered, Ji Shizhou lifted a corner of the curtain, and put down the curtain after a brief glance.He lay down on his bed, lying on his side facing her.

"Jane Jane." Repressed and low, only he could hear it, and when he was talking to himself, he only called her name.

Su Jian, who was completely sleepless after being disturbed, said lightly: "Stop shouting, go to sleep."

She didn't fall asleep.

Hearing her voice, Ji Shizhou froze for a moment, but didn't make any more sound.

When I got up the next day, the news was all about the car accident, and there were many conspiracy theories in it.

The evidence of Shujin's deliberate murder is conclusive. Although there was no full evidence for the first Liujiaowan incident, she could not explain it because the second incident was found out.

Shujin's psychological endurance is not that good, and after continuous interrogation, his mentality has almost collapsed.

She said that she could confess, but she had to see Su Jian.

The police called Su Jian and asked Su Jian to go over. When she answered the phone, Ji Shizhou was also beside him, but he didn't respond in person.

Su Jian's attitude was also very indifferent, just two words: don't go.

But because the matter involved a confession, the police kept calling, and Su Jian had no choice but to pass in the end.

Ji Shizhou was indifferent to her going over, "I'll go with you."

"Yeah." Su Jian nodded,

 The fourth update is over, no update in the early morning! !
  No update in the morning! !Don't wait! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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