The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 548 There Is Always Someone Waiting For Her

Chapter 548 There Is Always Someone Waiting For Her

Visiting room—

Through the soundproof glass, Su Jian looked at the woman inside and silently picked up the phone.She didn't speak, waiting for the person inside to speak.

"Su Jian, I don't regret it." Shu Jin's attitude was indifferent, "You forced me to come to this point."

Su Jian was even more indifferent than her, "I forced you to kill me? I made you drive my own car?"

"It's you pressing me every step of the way. I have nowhere to go. I dare not go out. I'm afraid those people will see my face. They send me prosthetics and bloody grimaces. You caused all of this!"

Shujin was agitated. From the outside, Su Jian could clearly see her ferocious face.

No matter how excited the people inside were, Su Jian's heart would not be the slightest splash, "They don't send prosthetics to others, why only send them to you, you don't have any points in your heart?"

"It's not because of you! You ruined my reputation in front of everyone and made me a plagiarist! If it weren't for you, I would still be Fu Jiuchen's lyricist, and I wouldn't be in such a state of despair!"

"Aren't you a plagiarist?" Su Jian asked back, after thinking for a while, she said, "Oh, yes, you are just a thief."

"I'm not! It's all because of you!" Shujin became even more agitated, and slammed his hand on the glass, and was held down.

"You are not, it was my manuscript that flew to you." Su Jian's expression was as indifferent as possible, even if she was facing her roommate who had been with her for four years.

Shujin suddenly calmed down and chuckled, "Su Jian, you are so indifferent. Aren't journalists the most righteous? Aren't they the most compassionate? You are not tolerant of me at all."

Said she was indifferent, Su Jian became even more indifferent at the moment, "You are not righteous, and you are not entitled to mercy."

"As long as you are more lenient to me, I will not come to this point. You forced me to do all of this! Su Jian, don't try to pick everything up, I want you to never feel at ease in this life!"

In short, she is not having a good time, even if she makes Su Jian feel bad, she will constantly devour a person psychologically.

"Wrong, I still plan to go out and have a big meal later, because the bad guys will be brought to justice." Su Jian was unmoved, and there was nothing to worry about. She was completely overthinking, "Cheers to justice."

"Bitch! Bitch! Su Jian, you bitch, I curse your whole family to die! Isn't your sister sick? Haha, it's retribution! I heard she's dying? You deserve it! The next one is you!!" Shujin was completely irritated, and she kept swearing obscenities, and she would not be stingy with anything that could hurt Su Jian.

"She won't die if you die." Su Jian looked at her indifferently, "The environment outside will be better than inside the prison."

Su Jian was expressionless when she heard such vicious words, and Shu Jin was in a daze. It seemed that since she knew Su Jian, she had never lost control of her emotions. No matter what others said, she could keep her face unchanged.

Su Jian pointed at the phone, "If you have anything else to say, you can continue."

Shujin's vicious words choked in his throat. Seeing Su Jian's eyes without any ups and downs, he suddenly felt like a monkey. Su Jian was a tourist standing outside the iron fence.

"You're done talking, I have a word." Su Jian paused, "Your parents are still waiting for you at home."

No sentence was as important as Su Jian's. Shujin suddenly collapsed, and she hung up the phone with a "snap", not wanting to hear any more topics about her parents.

Su Jian put down the phone, got up and left, and Ji Shizhou was waiting for her outside.

(End of this chapter)

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