The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 555 The correct way to open the boss

Chapter 555 The correct way to open the boss
Day two—

Ji Shizhou returned to Ji's house as the eldest grandson of Ji's family, and all members of Ji's family invited him over.

All the children of Ji's family are there. Except for the youngest Ji Yunzhan, everyone else has married and has their own children. Although they have married, no one still cares about the property of Ji's family.

Mr. Ji is still the person in charge of the Ji family, but he is in his 60s. It is impossible to occupy the property of the Ji family for a lifetime. Now that the eldest grandson of the Ji family is back, it is not obvious that he will come back and occupy the entire Ji family after Mr. Ji is buried. home industry.

They had no surprises about Ji Shizhou's return, only shock.

Few of these people put on a welcoming gesture.

After the family meeting ended, Ji Shizhou took his coat and was about to leave, but was stopped by the old man, "Where are you going?"

He said indifferently: "Go home."

"This is your home. From today onwards, you must live in Ji's house." The old man's attitude was cold and firm, "If the Qin's family can live, can't you live here?"

"I have my own home." Ji Shizhou glanced at the person blocking him, "Get out of the way."

Not only was the old man stopped by others, but he went up to stop him himself, not letting him go, "The news of your return has been broadcast, and I will let you appear in front of the public tomorrow, so don't go out and embarrass the Ji family."

"I don't want others to see me standing with you." Ji Shizhou said expressionlessly, "I'm also afraid of shame."

The old man's breath stuck in his throat, and he almost couldn't breathe, "Beast!"

"Dad, Ah Shi just came back, don't worry about him, after all, I have forgotten many rules after not living in Ji's house for so many years."

The person who spoke was the second son of the Ji family, Ji Yunshen, born to the second wife. Because the second wife ran away with someone, Ji Yunshen was not treated well since he was a child. Fortunately, the old man's blood flowed on Ji Yunshen, so he was given an acre Three points, let him fend for himself.

But how could Ji Yunshen be satisfied with this one-third of an acre of land? What he wanted was everything from the rich man's family. After so many years, he was quite competitive. After going abroad to be gilded, he came back and married the mayor's daughter who was somewhat powerful.

"Dad, if Ah Shi insists on living outside, don't embarrass him too much. After all, you are used to living outside, but you are not used to living at home." The second son of Ji, Ji Yunshen's words are not very harsh, but it is not hard to hear the sarcasm in it meaning.

When the old man heard this, he was even more unhappy, and his face turned cold, "My Ji family can't accommodate you?"

"I can't tolerate it." Ji Shizhou remained unmoved, allowing others to sow discord, he remained indifferent.

"If the eldest brother is still here, seeing his children become so indiscriminate, I'm afraid the coffin board will not be able to hold it down." Ji Sangong, Ji Yunsong lazily buttoned his clothes, and said casually Words, speaking is sarcasm.

His purpose was simple, to destroy Ji Shizhou's image in the old man's mind, so that when the old man stepped into the coffin, the things of Ji's family would not fall into Ji Shizhou's hands.

Ever since Ji Shizhou returned to Ji's house, Ji Yunsong knew that the eldest grandson of the house had a bad relationship with the old man, and he didn't mind if the relationship between the two was even worse.

Ji Shizhou looked at Ji Yunsong, who was lazy but full of calculations, and was not even half annoyed by his provocation, he just called him lightly: "Third Uncle."

He lowered his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't care about the dignity and order with a person who grew up outside, I may not have so many worries."

Ji Yunsong was stunned for a moment, feeling that there was something in his words, which sent chills down his spine.

This little bastard is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. After all, he can pull down the Qin family one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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