The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 556 Ji Shizhou is still reluctant to throw away his old suit

Chapter 556 Ji Shizhou is still reluctant to throw away his old suit

Qin Yue was in prison and was sentenced to death. Qin Er was also in prison. After he was released from prison, he and Qin San were thrown to some ghostly place. Except for Qin Si, who was not up to date, and Qin Chubai, who had a good relationship with Qin's parents and daughter, were still alive. Well done, everyone else has become a stepping stone for Ji Shizhou.

Winners and losers, Ji Shizhou is the king.

After staying in the Qin family for three years, she obtained the inheritance rights of the Qin family's daughter's inheritance, and then began to turn her attention to the Ji family again, full of ambitions.

I'm afraid it's just waiting for the old man to get the right to be the head of the Ji family after he gets up.

Ji Yunsong sneered, how could it be so easy, the person in charge of the Ji family is not alone, everyone is thinking about it.

Now that Ji Shizhou said those words in front of the old man, was he threatening him?

"Ashi, I'm telling the truth." Ji Yunsong didn't shy away, "Have you been in the Qin family for so long, have you forgotten that you are a member of the Ji family, and you should abide by the rules of the Ji family, respect and order."

Ji Shizhou looked at Ji Yunsong, "Third uncle has been in Ji's family for decades, and he may not have learned the rules of Ji's family completely."

A bit contemptuous, Ji Shizhou has always looked down on people like Ji Yunsong who have no brains and only sow discord.

"You..." Ji Yunsong's temper has always been quite strong, and he almost couldn't control it when he was so agitated.

The two quarreled and the old man had a headache, he said coldly: "Get out, a bunch of beasts, they have no skills, they only know how to fight in the nest."

The old man spoke, who would dare to speak again, Ji Shizhou was about to leave, "Ji Shizhou, if you dare to step out of Ji's house, never come back."

"I don't intend to come back." Ji Shizhou just wanted to get back what belonged to him. As for going back to Ji's house, he hadn't thought about it.

"Get out!" The little bastard has the same virtue as his father, he is a son of a bitch, he only knows how to contradict his elders, and he has learned all the manners from elementary school into his mother's womb.

After the people left, the old man added another sentence: "Stop, attend tomorrow's party on time!"

The old man didn't know if Ji Shizhou heard it, but he didn't respond, and the old man was very angry.

"Young master, you shouldn't have a direct confrontation with the old man. When you return to Ji's house, you still have to rely on him." Leng Feibai was helpless, he didn't want Ji Shizhou to have a bad relationship with the old man of the Ji family.

"He won't touch me." Ji Shizhou was sure.

Leng Feibai thought, this is true.

He has checked the identities of everyone in the Ji family, and he has a fairly clear understanding of the situation of the Ji family, "Ji Yunsong is a no-brainer, Ji Yunshen has the same mind, Miss Ji Liu didn't reveal anything Ambition, the most elusive member of the Ji family is the youngest member of the Ji family, Ji Yunzhan."

Ji Yunzhan is the most elusive person. He usually does some small good deeds, without the arrogance and domineering of the third son Ji, and the ambition shown by the second son Ji. Such a person is either wanting nothing, or the city is too deep.

Ji Yunzhan and Ji Shizhou thought about these three words, "What did you find?"

"I didn't find anything, it's my duty." The things Leng Feibai found are all things that the public can see, either Ji Yunzhan is aboveboard enough to have no stains to investigate, or he hides too deep and the stains are well hidden great.

"There will definitely be people from all walks of life at the Ji family's gathering tomorrow, and you still need to go there." Leng Feibai was afraid that he would not go willfully, so he vaccinated in advance, "I have all the clothes ready, you can't capricious."

"I will go." Ji Shizhou paused, "I have clothes."

Let him not prepare.

Leng Feibai nodded, "Okay." He only hoped that Ji Shizhou would not wear that old suit.

Oh, that old suit should be bought by Miss Su.

(End of this chapter)

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