The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 557 No matter what he becomes, he is just her Su Huai

Chapter 557 No matter what he becomes, he is just her Su Huai

#Qin's family heir, Ji's family head grandson#
The two trending searches that day were about Ji Shizhou, who had been dormant in the Qin family for three years and then returned to Ji's house suddenly. The purpose was unclear, and there were more conspiracy theories in it.

Those people thought that Ji Shizhou had taken down the Qin family, and now his target had shifted to the Ji family, and wanted to become the ruler of the Ji family.

Ji Shizhou's former classmates were also shocked when they saw the news. They only knew that he was the adopted son of the Su family, but they didn't know the layers of jaw-dropping identities behind him.

Whether it's the heir of the Qin family's daughter, or the eldest grandson of the Ji family's family, the identity alone is enough to shock those people, plus the identity of the Ji's family's eldest son...

There are some photos of Ji Shizhou on the Internet, which are very blurry and were taken secretly. They are so beautiful that they look like a boy who has stepped out of the painting and grown into a man, and his every move is what a mature man should be.

Although he is young, he has a sense of heaviness beyond his age.

Others are amazed at his good life, he was born into such a wealthy family, and his adoptive father is also a local tyrant. He was born in a wealthy family and won at the starting line.

There are also people who are frightened by his ambition and his skills, which can drag Qin Yue down, and then set their targets on the Ji family's ruler. There will be no more glorious things about this person, and more It is a shady and dark method.

Most of those people's knowledge of Ji Shizhou came from the outside world's evaluation of him and some comments on the Internet, coupled with Ji Shizhou's coldness and aloofness, he was not easy to get close to.

Most people's comments about him mostly stay in the evaluation of him online: dark and unscrupulous.

The three became tigers, and panic became true.

Seeing those remarks, Su Jian didn't think Ji Shizhou was gloomy like they did, but just felt sorry for him.

Born in such a family, there is nothing to envy, even if he means shady, it is just for survival.

Su Jian remembered the first time she saw Ji Shizhou nine years ago, he was just a child hiding in a stinking garbage dump covered in wounds.

Taking him home, he sat there without saying a word, looking at her eagerly, and sent him to the police station, but also followed her closely without saying a word.

It only took him nine years to grow from a child to a picturesque teenager, and then to a gloomy and indifferent man.

Many boys of his age are still on campus, falling in love and enjoying their youth, but he has no youth, only hard work and growth.

Su Jian exited the news page, turned off the computer, took out her mobile phone and dialed his number.

As soon as the phone was dialed, the person over there answered, "Jane Jane."

Surprise and joy are in this "Jian Jian".

Su Jian watched the news, but pretended nothing happened, "Are you off work?"

Ji Shizhou didn't answer her question, but instead asked: "News, have you seen it?"

"Look." Su Jian said seriously: "You did well, I will hang out with you in the future."

The person on the phone was silent for a moment, and answered her: "OK."

After a pause, he called her in a low voice: "Su Jian."


He said, "I'm just Su Huai."

"I know." Su Jian said indifferently: "No matter what you become, you are just Su Huai, you are mine..." It is my life.

Ji Shizhou asked, "It's... what?"

"Boyfriend." Su Jian looked sincere, and he probably couldn't see her sincerity. She emphasized: "Well, boyfriend."

Be sincere in your voice so that he can hear her sincerity.

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou paused, and added: "Boyfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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