The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 558 Sweet dog food, electric chapter porridge

Chapter 558 Sweet dog food, phone porridge

The three words "boyfriend" are more soothing than any words. Ji Shizhou put the phone next to his ear, pressed his ear to the cold screen, and whispered her name, "Su Jian."

Su Jian was very patient, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Su Jian." The person on the phone called her name again.

"En." She listened, waiting for his next words.

Ji Shizhou: "Su Jian."


"Su Jane."

Su Jian: "..."


Simple and simple: "..."


"Su Huai." Su Jian got a headache from being yelled at, but still held her temper patiently, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't keep calling me by my name." Shouting made her feel chilly, feeling that the boss wanted to make trouble.

"I want to call you." Ji Shizhou didn't know what to say, so he wanted to call her name.

Su Jian compromised: "Call it." Not to mention calling names, you have to agree to calling souls.

Su Jian turned on the speakerphone, put the phone on the table, took out the voice recorder, and recorded a voice. Whenever Ji Shizhou called her name, she would click on the voice recorder to make the voice recorder make a sound.

Every time Ji Shizhou called "Su Jian", Su Jian immediately clicked on the recording pen and asked the recording pen to call "Su Huai", but he enjoyed it all the time. Although he didn't talk much, he would call her name from time to time. enough.

The phone was always on, and Su Jian went to write the manuscript. After the manuscript was finished, she went to get the mobile phone. The mobile phone was still connected, and there was no hang-up, and there was no sound.

She asked, "Su Huai, are you still there?"


That's right, the people from Ji Shizhou are still there.

"It's nothing, I'm hanging up." Su Jian waited for him to reply, and the people over there agreed, so Su Jian hung up the phone.

Just after hanging up the phone, the boss called, "Boss, what's the matter?"

Just now Su Jian's phone has been on the phone, and the mission is urgent, Sheng Xun is a little anxious. Hearing her voice, he is relieved, "Your phone has not been connected."

"I called Su Huai just now." Su Jian just told the truth, she didn't think so many twists and turns, she didn't expect to pierce other people's hearts.

Sheng Xun was silent for a moment, and clarified the purpose of calling her, "Tomorrow Ji's family has a banquet, and Jiucheng has received an invitation. Come with me. This press release is very important."

"Ji's family banquet..." Su Jian immediately thought of Ji Shizhou, and readily agreed, "Sure."

Seeing that she agreed so readily, Sheng Xun smiled lightly, "Don't you ask who our mission target is?"

"Ji's family and grandson return, who else is there if it's not him." Su Jian didn't need to think about it and knew that the most breaking news was all about Ji Shizhou.

"Well, I'll send you the information later."

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Sheng Xun hung up the phone, and the information was sent to her computer after a while.

"Boss, since you know about Su Jian and Ji Shizhou, why did you let her go?" The assistant couldn't figure it out, is the boss making a wedding dress for someone else?

"We went to interview Ji Shizhou, and the only person who can talk to Ji Shizhou is probably Su Jian." This is work, and Sheng Xun only proceeds from the interests of the company, not to mention that she and Ji Shizhou are already together. Not much now.

The assistant thought for a while and asked in a low voice, "Are you giving up?"

The assistant kept observing the boss's expression, wondering whether the boss had given up or had other ideas.

Sheng Xun remained silent, his eyes fell elsewhere, a little indifferently, "Prepare a dress."

"Okay." The assistant thought for a while and asked, "Do you need to prepare a set for Miss Su?"

Sheng Xun waved his hand: "No need, she has a sense of proportion."

(End of this chapter)

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