The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 562 Su Jian, I'm jealous

Chapter 562 Su Jian, I'm jealous
Sheng Xun's assistant saw that Su Jian and Ji Shizhou had left, and panicked, "Didn't Ms. Su come here for an interview? Why did you leave?"

"Going with Ji Shizhou, nothing will happen." Sheng Xun turned his head and continued to talk with others, with a cold expression, "I believe she can complete the task."

The assistant thought about it, yes, Ms. Su has always done things properly, and will not delay her business because of her children's affair.

On the contrary, the boss's attitude became more and more difficult to figure out. Since the last car accident, the boss's attitude towards Su Jian has undergone some subtle changes. After careful consideration, there is no clue.

The old man of the Ji family noticed that Ji Shizhou was gone, frowned, and walked over to ask Jiang Xi, "Where is Ah Shi?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm going to deal with something important." Jiang Xi shook his head slightly, clearing the scene he just saw from his mind.

little beast.

Ji Yecheng cursed secretly, not taking him seriously at all, "Ah Shi has been living abroad for many years, and has some flaws in his character, don't take it to heart."

"Grandpa Ji, you are worrying too much." The worrying sound was not to defend his own sensibility, but to defend Ji Yecheng's belief that Ji Shizhou's personality was flawed.

She continued: "He just talks less, but there is no flaw in his character."

Ji Yecheng has always been very satisfied with Jiang Xi. He is obedient, sensible, and able to shock the audience. Hearing her defending the little beast, he felt a lot more at ease.

The old man called someone over, "Bring back the people from Jishizhou."



This is a hotel owned by the Ji family. Ji Shizhou opened a room and led her to rest.

After swiping the card to enter the room, Ji Shizhou pulled her to the side of the bed and sat down, "Go to sleep."

"I don't sleep." Su Jian sat on the bed, thought for a while, and asked, "Do you want to kiss me?"

Ji Shizhou was taken aback, "Huh?"

"Didn't you bring me here just to make it easier for you beast..." Beast behavior...

Oh, no, Su Jian hurriedly explained: "It's convenient for us to get in touch."

Ji Shizhou held her shoulders, pressed her on the bed, pulled the quilt over her, kissed her forehead, "Sleep."

Darling, she has no time to sleep.

"Oh." I was a little depressed when I asked for a kiss for the first time and was rejected.

But she was really sleepy. She went to bed late last night and got up early today. She was still motion sick. Lying in bed, she just wanted to sleep.

Ji Shizhou sat by the bed and watched her sleep.

Su Jian had something important to do, so it was impossible for her to fall asleep, so she woke up after squinting for about ten minutes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Shizhou lying on the side of the bed staring at her, "Sleep a little longer."

"It's almost there." Su Jian got up and straightened her hair.

She was about to get off the bed when Ji Shizhou's hands fell to her sides and grabbed hers, "You asked me to kiss you just now, but I didn't."

"I don't guarantee after-sales service." Su Jian stepped back a little, not giving him a kiss, "I'm going out, I wonder if anyone is looking for me?"

"Sheng Xun?" Ji Shizhou frowned, "You know, I don't like it."

"Of course I know, you don't like him, you like me." Su Huai liked her, and it was impossible to empathize with Sheng Xun. She disagreed, Su Huai belonged to her.

Miss Su's possessiveness was causing trouble, and she was upset, "Why do you keep mentioning him, do you like him?"

When Sister Su got angry, her corpse floated for thousands of miles, which couldn't be coaxed well.

"No." Ji Shizhou denied, grabbing her hand with both hands, "I don't like you mentioning him, Su Jian, I'm jealous."

Jealousy, Su Jian looked at the close face, it was a bit blurry, the principle of distance creates beauty is good, if it is too close, she can't see his face clearly now.

(End of this chapter)

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